Biliary tract stones -- Primary sclerosing cholangitis -- Acute pancreatitis -- Chronic pancreatitis -- Pancreatic cancer -- Cholangiocarcinoma and other biliary tumors -- Zollinger-Ellison syndrome and other neuroendocrine tumors -- Treatment of hereditary hemochromatosis, Wilson disease, and other metabolic disorders of the liver -- Prophylaxis and treatment of viral hepatitis -- Autoimmune hepatitis -- Bacterial, fungal and granulomatous diseases of the liver -- Alcoholic and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease -- Drug-induced hepatic injury (prevention) -- Primary biliary cirrhosis -- Variceal hemorrhage -- Ascites and spontaneous bacterial peritonitis -- Hepatic encephalopathy -- Hepatorenal syndrome -- Fulminant hepatic failure -- Long-term care of the liver transplant recipient -- Primary tumors of the liver -- Neonatal jaundice -- The pregnant patient with jaundice -- Irritable bowel syndrome -- Celiac sprue and other malabsorptive disorders -- Treatment of acute infectious diarrheas -- Treatment of Clostridium difficile diarrhea and colitis -- Treatment of intestinal parasitic diseases -- Treatment of eosinophilic gastroenteritis -- Treatment of radiation-induced enterocolitis: a mechanistic approach -- Approach to the patient with short- bowel syndrome --
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Crohn's disease -- Ulcerative colitis -- Intestinal obstruction -- Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction -- Hirschsprung's disease -- Diverticular disease of the colon -- Vascular insufficiency -- Neoplastic diseases of the small and large bowel -- Treatment of sexually transmitted anorectal diseases -- Lower gastrointestinal bleeding -- Hemorrhoids and other anorectal disorders -- Acute abdominal pain -- Noncardiac chest pain -- Dyspepsia -- Nausea and vomiting -- Constipation and diarrhea -- Treatment of fecal incontinence
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Molecular and cellular targets in therapy of acid-related diseases -- Pharmacology and therapeutics for motor and sensory disorders of the gut -- Probiotics -- Nutrition support in the patient with gastrointestinal disease -- Nutrition and malnutrition in liver disease -- Esophageal infections -- Enteric infections in immunocompromised hosts -- Biliary infections in the immunocompromised patient -- Gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary complications of bone marrow transplantation -- Pregnancy -- Treatment of the elderly patient --Children -- Gastroesophageal reflux disease -- Barrett's esophagus -- Management of achalasia -- Treatment of esophageal disorders caused by medications, caustic ingestion, foreign bodies and trauma -- Approach to the patient with esophageal cancer -- Treatment of helicobacter phylori infection -- Therapy and prevention of NSAID-related gastroinestinal disorders -- Treatment of non-NSAID and non-H. pylori gastroduodenal ulcers -- Upper gastrointestinal bleeding -- Gastric outlet obstruction, perforation and other complications of gastroduodenal ulcer -- Treatment of gastric volvulus and diaphragmatic hernias -- Gastric neoplasia --