Biodiversity -- Biogeochemical cycles / Ward Chesworth -- Biomass -- Biome -- Biomes and their soils / Ward Chesworth -- Bioremediation -- Biosequence -- Biospheric role of soil -- Biostasis -- Biotic -- Bisiallitization -- Black cotton soil -- Black earth -- Blanket -- Blowout -- Bog -- Boreal forest -- Boulder -- Brunification -- Buffers, Buffering / Carlo Gessa -- Bulk density / David T. Lewis -- Buried soil -- C horizon -- Calcareous soils / Ward Chesworth, Marta Camps Arbestain, and Felipe Macías Vázquez -- Calcisols / Otto Spaargaren -- Capability -- Capillary pressure / Y. Mualem and H.J. Morel-Seytoux -- Carbon cycling and formation of soil organic matter / William R. Horwath -- Carbon sequestration in soil / Gonzalo Almendros -- Carbonates / Ward Chesworth -- Catchment -- Catena -- Cation exchange -- Cement -- Cheluviation -- Chemical analyses / Paul R. Grossl and Donald L. Sparks -- Chemical composition -- Chemisorption -- Chernozems / Otto Spaargaren -- Chronology of soils / Rhodes W. Fairbridge -- Chronosequence -- Classification of soils : FAO / Ahieh Singer -- Classification of soils : soil taxonomy / Hari Eswaran -- Classification of soils : world reference base (WRB) for soil profiles / Otto Spaargaren -- Clastic -- Clay mineral alteration in soils / P.M. Huang -- Clay mineral formation / Arieh Singer -- Clay mineral structures -- Clay minerals : silicates / Charles E. Weaver --
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Clay-organic interactions / B.K.G. Theng -- Climate -- Climosequence -- Coastal soils -- Colloid -- Colluvium -- Comminution -- Compaction / Iain M. Young -- Complex soil -- Compost -- Computer modeling / Keith Paustian -- Computerized tomography / Richard J. Heck -- Concretion -- Conductivity, Electrical / Charles W. Finkl -- Conductivity, Hydraulic / Herman Bouwer -- Conductivity, Thermal / Amos Hadas -- Conservation / Ward Chesworth and David M. Lavigne -- Consistence -- Consolidation -- Contour -- Cordillera -- Corrasion -- Corrosion -- Craton -- Creep -- Critical load -- Crotovina -- Crusts, Crusting / Marcello Pagliai -- Cryopedology -- Cryosols / Otto Spaargaren -- Cryoturbation -- Cuesta -- Cultivation -- Cumulization -- Cutan -- Catum level -- Debris -- Degradation -- Delta -- Denitrification -- Desalinization -- Desert -- Desertification -- Desiccation -- Desilication -- Detritus -- Diffusion -- Diffusion processes / Siobhán Staunton -- Dispersion -- Dissection -- Dissolved material -- Divide -- Doline -- Drainage -- Drumlin -- Dry deposition -- Dune -- Duricrusts and induration / Rhodes W. Fairbridge -- Durisols / Otto Spaargaren -- Dust -- E horizon -- Earth cycles / Rhodes W. Fairbridge -- Ecology -- Edaphic -- Edaphic constraints on food production / Friedrich H. Beinroth, Hari Eswaran, and Paul F. Reich -- Edaphology -- Effective -- Effluent -- Electrical double layer -- Electrochemistry -- Electro-osmosis -- Elutriation -- Eluviation -- Endogenous -- Energy balance / Gaylon S. Campbell --
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Envelope-pressure potential / Pieter H. Groenevelt -- Environment -- Enzyme activity -- Enzymes and proteins, Interactions with soil-constituent surfaces / Hervé Quiquampoix -- Eolian -- Epigenous -- Erosion / Rhodes W. Fairbridge -- Erratic -- Escarpment -- Esker -- Eutrophication -- Evaporation / R.J. Hanks and G.E. Cardon -- Evapotranspiration -- Evolution -- Exchange complex -- Exchange phenomena / Robert G. Gast -- Exfoliation -- Exogene -- Extract -- F horizon -- Fabric -- Factors of soil formation / Carlota Garcia Paz and Teresa Taboada Rodríguez -- Fallout -- Fallow -- Family -- Fan -- Fauna / Valeria M. Behan-Pelletier and Stuart B. Hill -- Fen -- Ferralitic -- Ferralitization -- Ferralsols / Pablo Vidal-Torrado and Miguel Cooper -- Ferran -- Ferri-argillan -- Ferrods -- Ferrolysis -- Fersiallitization -- Fertilizer raw materials / Peter van Straaten -- Fertilizers, Inorganic / J.J. Oertli -- Fertilizers, Organic / C. Wesley Wood -- Fibric, hemic and sapric -- Field capacity -- Field pH / L.R. Hossner -- Field water cycle / William O. Rasmussen -- Flocculation / W.O. Williamson -- Flood plain -- Fluviolacustrine -- Fluvisols / Otto Spaargaren --
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Folic -- Fragipan -- Frigid -- Frost action -- Fulvic acid -- Furrow -- Gabion -- Gelifluction -- Geochemistry in soil science / Garrison Sposito -- Geography of soils / Ward Chesworth and L.J. Evans -- Geology and soils / Ward Chesworth -- Gilgai -- Glaciation -- Glaciofluvial -- Glaciolacustrine -- Gley -- Gleysolos / Otto Spaargaren -- Gossan -- Groundwater -- Guano -- Gully -- Gypsan -- Gypsisols / Otto Spaargaren -- H horizon -- Halomorphic -- Hardening -- Hardpan -- Harrow -- Health -- Health problems and soil / J. Lag -- Heat capacity / Amos Hadas -- Health -- History of soil science / Rhodes W. Fairbridge -- Histosols / J.C. Nóvoa Muñoz, X. Ponteverdra Pombal, and A. Martínez Cortizas -- Hoodoo -- Horizon -- Horizon designations in the Wrb -- Humic substances / Gonzalo M. Almendros -- Humid -- Hummock -- Hydric soils / W. Chesworth, M. Camps, Arbestain, F. Macías, and A. Martínez Cortizas -- Hydrological cycle / Ward Chesworth -- Hydromorphic -- Hydrophilicity, hydrophobicity / William F. Jaynes -- Hygroscopicity, hygroscopic constant / Hans F. Winterkorn -- Hypogene -- Ice erosion / Ward Chesworth, Augusto Perez-Alberti, and Emmanuelle Arnaud -- Ice wedge and polygon -- Igneous -- Illuviation -- Imbibition / H.J. Morel-Seytoux -- Imogolite -- Imperious -- Induration -- Infiltration / H.J. Morel-Seytoux --
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Inheritance -- Inorganic fertilizers -- Inorganic soil -- Insolation -- Intensive agriculture -- Interfluve -- Intergrade -- Ion -- Ion exchange -- Ionic activities -- Iron activities -- Iron oxides / Udo Schwertmann -- Iron pan -- Irrigation / Ernest Rawitz -- Journals / Charles W. Finkl -- Kame -- Karst -- Kastanozems / Otto Spaargaren -- Koppen -- Krotovinas -- Kubiena box -- L horizon -- Labile pool / S.A. Ebelhar -- Lacustrine -- Lagoon -- Land -- Landfill -- Landscape -- Landscape and soils / Ward Chesworth -- Laterite -- Law of the minimum / Quirino Paris -- Leaching -- Leptosols / Otto Spaargaren -- Lessivage -- LFH horizon -- Light fraction -- Lime -- Liquefaction -- Lithic -- Lithosequence -- Litter -- Lixisols / Otto Spaargaren -- Loading -- Loam -- Loess -- Luvisols / Otto Spaargaren -- Macronutrients / L.R. Hossner -- Mangan -- Manure -- Marginal land -- Marl -- Marsh -- Mass movement -- Matran -- Matric potential -- Matrix -- Meadow -- Mechanical weathering / Eiju Yatsu -- Melanization -- Metal complexing -- Metamorphic -- Microbial ecology and clay minerals -- Microhabitats / Iain M. Young -- Micrometeorology / Jon S. Warland -- Micromorphology / Georges Stoops -- Micronutrients / Ward Chesworth -- Microstructure, engineering aspects / Peter Smart -- Midden -- Mineral analysis --
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List of contributors -- Preface -- A horizon -- Abiotic -- Abrasion -- Abrupt textural change -- Absorption -- Acid deposition effects on soil -- Acid deposition effects on soils / Randy A. Dahlgren -- Acid soils / Felipe Macías Vázquez, Marta Camps Arbestain, and Ward Chesworth -- Acid sulfate soils -- Acidity / Wayne P. Robarge -- Acids, alkalis, bases and pH -- Acrisols / Felipe Macías Vázquez -- Activity ratios / Bryon W. Bache -- Adobe -- Adsorption -- Aggregate -- Aggregate stability to drying and wetting / W.W. Emerson -- Aggregation / Roger Hartmann -- Agrichemical -- Agroecology -- Agroecosystem -- Agrogeology / Nikola Kostic -- Agronomy -- Albeluvisols / Otto Spaargaren -- Alisols / Otto Spaargaren -- Alkali -- Alkaline soils / Ward Chesworth, Felipe Macías Vázquez, and Marta Camps Arbestain -- Alkalization -- Allitization -- Allogenic -- Alluvium -- Andosols / Olafur Arnalds -- Anthropogenic -- Anthrosols / Otto Spaargaren -- Argillaceous -- Argillan -- Arid -- Arrhenius' equation -- Association -- Auger -- Authigenic -- Azonal soil -- B horizon -- Background -- Badlands -- Barchan -- Barrens -- Base -- Base level -- Base saturation / Bryon W. Bache -- Basement -- Basic -- Basin-- Beach -- Bed -- Bedrock -- Bench -- Berm -- Biodegradation --
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Mineral soil -- Mineralization -- Mire / A. Martínez Cortizas, X. Pondeverdra Pombal, and J.C. Nóvoa Muñoz -- Moisture regimes -- Monadnock -- Mor -- Moraine -- Morphology -- Mottle -- Muck -- Mulch -- Mull -- Munsell chart -- Muskeg -- Near-neutral soils / Marta Camps Arbestain, Felipe Macías Vázquez, and Ward Chesworth -- Neoformation -- Neolithic revolution / Ward Chesworth -- Net primary productivity -- Nitisols / Otto Spaargaren -- Nitrification -- Nitrogen cycle / Johnson Semoka -- Nitrogen fixation -- Nodule -- Nutrient -- Nutrient cycling -- Nutrient potentials / Konrad Mengel -- O horizon -- Order -- Organan -- Organic fertilizers -- Organic matter -- Organic soil -- Organic weathering -- Ortstein -- Osmosis -- Outwash -- Overburden -- Paddy soils -- Paleosol -- Pallid zone -- Paludification -- Pan -- Paralithic -- Parent material -- Parent rock -- Particle density / George R. Blake -- Particle-size distribution / Gary C. Steinhardt -- Pasture -- Peat / X. Pontevedra Pombal, J.C. Nóvoa Muñoz, and A. Martínez Cortizas -- Ped -- Pedalfer -- Pedocal -- Pedogenic grid -- Pedology and pedogenesis / Richard W. Arnold -- Pedon -- Pedosphere -- Pedoturbation / Randall J. Schaetzl -- Peneplain, pediplain, etchplain -- Penetrability -- Peptization -- Percolation / F. Stagnitti, J.-Y. Parlange, and T.S. Steenhuis --
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Periglacial -- Periodic table in soil science / Ward Chesworth -- Permafrost -- Permeability / Y. Mualem and H.J. Morel-Seytoux -- Permeameter -- Petrocalcic -- Petrogypsic -- pH -- Phaeozems / Otto Spaargaren -- Phase rule and phase diagrams / Ward Chesworth -- Phi scale -- Phosphorus cycle / Yoong K. Soon -- Phreatic -- Physical chemistry / D.S. Orlov -- Physical properties -- Physical weathering -- Phytolith -- Pingo -- Planosols / Otto Spaargaren -- Plant nutrients / J.J. Oertli -- Plant roots and soil physical factors / Jan Gliński, Jerry Lipiec, and Witold Stępniewski -- Plasma -- Plastic -- Playa -- Plinthite -- Plinthosols / Otto Spaargaren -- Plow -- Plow layer -- Poszols / Otto Spaargaren -- Point of zero net charge -- Pollution -- Polycyclic -- Polygenetic -- Polygonal -- Polypedon -- Pore -- Pore size distribution -- Pore space, Drainable -- Porosity -- Potassium cycle / Ward Chesworth -- Prairie -- Primary mineral -- Primary productivity -- Prismatic -- Profile / Carmela Monterroso Martinez -- Profile, Physical modification / Keith D. Cassel and David Hammer -- Pseudogley -- Puddling / Pedro A. Sanchez -- Pugging -- Quality / Ward Chesworth --
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Radiocarbon dating -- Radioisotopes -- Rangeland -- Reaction -- Redoximorphic features -- Redox reactions and diagrams in soil / Burl D. Meek and Ward Chesworth -- Regolith -- Regosols / Otto Spaargaren -- Relief -- Rendzina -- Residence time -- Residua system of weathering -- Residual soil -- Reverse weathering -- Revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE) -- Rhizosphere / Michael Herlihy -- Ria -- Ridge -- Rockland -- Rolling -- Rotation -- Rubifaction or rubefaction -- Runoff -- Sabkha -- Saline -- Salt affected soils -- Salt leaching / Raj K. Gupta and I.P. Abrol -- Sand -- Sandur, Sandr -- Saprolite -- Saprolite, Regolith and soil / Charles W. Finkl -- Saturation -- Savanna -- Scalping -- Scarify -- Scrub -- Secondary mineral -- Sedimentary -- Seepage -- Self-mulching -- Semi-arid -- Series -- Sesquan -- Sesquioxide -- Shear -- Shield -- Shrinkage -- Silicates -- Silt -- Simulation of soil systems -- Skeletan -- Skeleton grains -- Slickensides -- Slope classes -- Sludge -- Sludge disposal / M.B. Kirkham -- S-matrix -- Sod -- Sodicity -- Soil / Marta Camps Arbestain, Felipe Macías Vázquez, and Ward Chesworth -- Soil biology / James J. Germida -- Soil chemistry / Richard H. Loeppert -- Soil color / Maurice G. Cook -- Soil components, Organic -- Soil Conservation Service -- Soil drainage / G.O. Schwab -- Soil engineering / Krystyna Konstankiewicz and Jarosł aw Pytka -- Soil fertility / J.J. Oertli --
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Soil health -- Soil horizon designations in the WRB solid classification system / Arieh Singer -- Soil mapping and survey / William J. Edmonds -- Soil mechanics -- Soil microbiology / Yucheng Feng -- Soil mineralogy / Steven B. Feldman, C. Shang, and Lucian W. Zelazny -- Soil organic matter -- Soil physics / P.W. Ford -- Soil pores / Brent E. Clothier -- Soil probe -- Soil quality -- Soil reaction -- Soil salinity and salinization / M.A. Arshad -- Soil science -- Soil separates -- Soil solution / Bryon W. Bache -- Soil stabilization -- Soil survey -- Soil variation / Inakwu O.A. Odeh -- Soil water -- Soil water and its management / Paul W. Unger -- Soil-root interface / Carlo Gessa -- Soils of the coastal zone / Charles W. Finkl -- Soils, Non-agricultural uses / Fred P. Miller -- Soil-solvent interactions -- Solifluction -- Solonchaks / Otto Spaargaren -- Solonetz / Otto Spaargaren -- Solum -- Solute sorption-desorption kinetics / H. Magdi Selim -- Sorption phenomena / N.J. Barrow -- Spheroidal -- Stagnosols / Otto Spaargaren -- Stony -- Stratification -- Structure -- Subsoil -- Sulfur transformations and fluxes / Myron J. Mitchell and Christine Alewell -- Supergene -- Surface soil water content -- Surficial -- Sustainable agriculture -- Swamp -- Tableland -- Taiga -- Tailings -- Technosols / Ward Chesworth and Otto Spaargaren -- Temperature regime --
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Tensiometer -- Terrace -- Terrain -- Terric -- Texture -- Thermal regime / Amos Hadas -- Thermodynamics of soil water / Pieter H. Groenevelt -- Thermogenic -- Thermosequence -- Thionic or sulfidic soils / Xosé L. Otero, Tiago O. Ferreira, Pablo Vidal-Torrado, Filipe Macías Vázquez, and Ward Chesworth -- Thixotrophy, thixotropism / Charles W. Finkl, Jr. -- Till -- Tillage / John W. Doran and Lloyd N. Mielke -- Topography -- Toposequence -- Topsoil -- Trace elements / M.B. Kirkham -- Transport -- Transport processes / Pieter H. Groenevelt -- Tropical soils / Charles W. Finkl -- Truncated soil -- Tundra -- Turf -- Type -- Umbrisols / Otto Spaargaren -- Undifferentiated map unit -- Universal soil loss equation -- Unsaturated flow -- Vadose -- Ventifacts / Rhodes W. Fairbridge -- Vertisols / Otto Spaargaren -- Void -- Vugh -- Wasteland -- Water budget in soil / Gary W. Parkin -- Water content -- Water content and retention / Walter H. Gardner -- Water erosion / K. Auerswald -- Water fluxes-- Water holding capacity -- Water movement / Johannes Bouma -- Water potential -- Water table -- Waterlogged -- Watershed -- Weathering systems in soil science / Ward Chesworth -- Wentworth scale -- Wetland -- Wettability -- Wetting front / H. J. Morel-Seytoux -- Wilting point -- Wind erosion / Michael Brookfield -- Wind erosion equation -- Windthrow -- Woodland -- Yield -- Zeta potential / R.J. Zasoski -- Zonal soil -- Zone -- Author index -- Subject index.
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This combination of an encyclopedia and glossary of terms emphasizes the study of soils as an integral part of the earth sciences along with the agricultural, environmental and technological aspects.