Cover; Contents; List of Figures and Tables; Acknowledgements; Notes on Contributors; List of Abbreviations; 1 Security, Development and the Securitization of Foreign Aid; 2 The Militarization of United States Foreign Aid; 3 The UK's Approach to Linking Development and Security: Assessing Policy and Practice; 4 The Securitization of Aid: The Case of France; 5 Peacebuilding and the 'Human Securitization' of Japan's Foreign Aid; 6 From Ottawa to Kandahar and Back: The Securitization of Canadian Foreign Aid
Text of Note
7 The European Union's Development Policy: A Balancing Act between 'A More Comprehensive Approach' and Creeping Securitization8 Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Afghanistan: Securitizing Aid through Developmentalizing the Military; 9 Space for Gender Equality in the Security and Development Agenda? Insights from Three Donors; 10 The Securitization of Climate Change: A Developmental Perspective; 11 The Securitization of Foreign Aid: Trends, Explanations and Prospects; Index
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Security concerns increasingly influence foreign aid: how Western countries give aid, to whom and why. With contributions from experts in the field, this book examines the impact of security issues on six of the world's largest aid donors, as well as on key crosscutting issues such as gender equality and climate change