Rune Brincker, Rbrincker Holding ApS., Denmark, Carlos Ventura, University of British Columbia, Canada
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Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index
Text of Note
Cover; Title Page; Copyright; Contents; Preface; Chapter 1 Introduction; 1.1 Why Conduct Vibration Test of Structures?; 1.2 Techniques Available for Vibration Testing of Structures; 1.3 Forced Vibration Testing Methods; 1.4 Vibration Testing of Civil Engineering Structures; 1.5 Parameter Estimation Techniques; 1.6 Brief History of OMA; 1.7 Modal Parameter Estimation Techniques; 1.8 Perceived Limitations of OMA; 1.9 Operating Deflection Shapes; 1.10 Practical Considerations of OMA; 1.11 About the Book Structure; References; Chapter 2 Random Variables and Signals; 2.1 Probability
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2.1.1 Density Function and Expectation2.1.2 Estimation by Time Averaging; 2.1.3 Joint Distributions; 2.2 Correlation; 2.2.1 Concept of Correlation; 2.2.2 Autocorrelation; 2.2.3 Cross Correlation; 2.2.4 Properties of Correlation Functions; 2.3 The Gaussian Distribution; 2.3.1 Density Function; 2.3.2 The Central Limit Theorem; 2.3.3 Conditional Mean and Correlation; References; Chapter 3 Matrices and Regression; 3.1 Vector and Matrix Notation; 3.2 Vector and Matrix Algebra; 3.2.1 Vectors and Inner Products; 3.2.2 Matrices and Outer Products; 3.2.3 Eigenvalue Decomposition
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3.2.4 Singular Value Decomposition3.2.5 Block Matrices; 3.2.6 Scalar Matrix Measures; 3.2.7 Vector and Matrix Calculus; 3.3 Least Squares Regression; 3.3.1 Linear Least Squares; 3.3.2 Bias, Weighting and Covariance; References; Chapter 4 Transforms; 4.1 Continuous Time Fourier Transforms; 4.1.1 Real Fourier Series; 4.1.2 Complex Fourier Series; 4.1.3 The Fourier Integral; 4.2 Discrete Time Fourier Transforms; 4.2.1 Discrete Time Representation; 4.2.2 The Sampling Theorem; 4.3 The Laplace Transform; 4.3.1 The Laplace Transform as a generalization of the Fourier Transform
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4.3.2 Laplace Transform Properties4.3.3 Some Laplace Transforms; 4.4 The Z-Transform; 4.4.1 The Z-Transform as a generalization of the Fourier Series; 4.4.2 Z-Transform Properties; 4.4.3 Some Z-Transforms; 4.4.4 Difference Equations and Transfer Function; 4.4.5 Poles and Zeros; References; Chapter 5 Classical Dynamics; 5.1 Single Degree of Freedom System; 5.1.1 Basic Equation; 5.1.2 Free Decays; 5.1.3 Impulse Response Function; 5.1.4 Transfer Function; 5.1.5 Frequency Response Function; 5.2 Multiple Degree of Freedom Systems; 5.2.1 Free Responses for Undamped Systems
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5.2.2 Free Responses for Proportional Damping5.2.3 General Solutions for Proportional Damping; 5.2.4 Transfer Function and FRF Matrix for Proportional Damping; 5.2.5 General Damping; 5.3 Special Topics; 5.3.1 Structural Modification Theory; 5.3.2 Sensitivity Equations; 5.3.3 Closely Spaced Modes; 5.3.4 Model Reduction (SEREP); 5.3.5 Discrete Time Representations; 5.3.6 Simulation of OMA Responses; References; Chapter 6 Random Vibrations; 6.1 General Inputs; 6.1.1 Linear Systems; 6.1.2 Spectral Density; 6.1.3 SISO Fundamental Theorem; 6.1.4 MIMO Fundamental Theorem; 6.2 White Noise Inputs
Text of Note
Comprehensively covers the basic principles and practice of Operational Modal Analysis (OMA). Covers all important aspects that are needed to understand why OMA is a practical tool for modal testingCovers advanced topics, including closely spaced modes, mode shape scaling, mode shape expansion and estimation of stress and strain in operational responsesDiscusses practical applications of Operational Modal AnalysisIncludes examples supported by MATLAB® applicationsAccompanied by a website hosting a MATLAB® toolbox for Operational Modal Analysis