Machine generated contents note: Section 1 Progress in Deep Underwater Geology Around Hawaii --Introduction to Section 1 -- Jiro Naka --Deepwater Multibeam Sonar Surveys Along the Southeastern Hawaii Ridge: Guide to the CD-ROM -- John R. Smith, Kenji Satake, and Kiyoshi Suyehiro --Submarine Landslides and Volcanic Features on Kohala and Mauna Kea Volcanoes -- and the Hana Ridge, Hawaii -- John R. Smith, Kenji Satake, Julia K. Morgan, and Peter W. Lipman --Deep-Sea Volcaniclastic Sedimentation Around the Southern Flank of Hawaii -- Jiro Naka, Toshiya Kanamatsu, Peter W Lipman, Thomas W Sisson, Nohiro Tsuboyama, -- Julia K. Morgan, John R. Smith, and Tadahide Ui --Magnetostratigraphy of Deep-Sea Sediments From Piston Cores Adjacent to the Hawaiian Islands: -- Implication for Ages of Turbidites Derived From Submarine Landslides -- Toshiya Kanamatsu, Emilio Herrero-Bervera, and Gary M. McMurtry --Eruption Style and Flow Emplacement in the Submarine North Arch Volcanic Field, Hawaii -- David A. Clague, Kozo Uto, Kenji Satake, and Alice S. Davis --Emplacement and Inflation Structures of Submarine and Subaerial Pahoehoe Lavas From Hawaii -- Susumu Umino, Sumie Obata, Peter W. Lipman, John R. Smith, Tsugio Shibata, -- Jiro Naka, and Frank Trusdell --Section 2 Climax Stage Magmatism: Growth History of Kilauea Volcano and Its Instability --Introduction to Section 2 -- Peter W. Lipman --Structural Variability Along the Submarine South Flank of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii, -- From a Multichannel Seismic Reflection Survey -- Denise J. Hills, Julia K. Morgan, Gregory F Moore, and Stephen C. Leslie --Volcanic Morphology of the Submarine Puna Ridge, Kilauea Volcano -- Deborah K. Smith, Laura S.L. Kong, Kevin T.M. Johnson, andJennifer R. Reynolds --Petrological Systematics of Submarine Basalt Glasses From the Puna Ridge, Hawaii: -- Implications for Rift Zone Plumbing and Magmatic Processes -- Kevin T M. Johnson, Jennifer R. Reynolds, Denys Vonderhaar, Deborah K. Smith, -- and Laura S.L. Kong --Ancestral Submarine Growth of Kilauea Volcano and Instability of Its South Flank -- Peter W. Lipman, Thomas W Sisson, Tadahide Ui, Jiro Naka, andJohn R. Smith --Submarine Alkalic Through Tholeiitic Shield-Stage Development of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii -- Thomas W Sisson, Peter W Lipman, andJiro Naka -- Section 3 Giant Landslides in the Northeast of Oahu: When, Why and How? --Introduction to Section 3 -- Michael Garcia --Mapping of the Nuuanu and Wailau Landslides in Hawaii -- James G. Moore and David A. Clague --Landslides on the Windward Flanks of Oahu and Molokai, Hawaii: SHINKAI 6500 Submersible -- Investigation -- Hisayoshi Yokose --Major Element Geochemistry of Glasses in Turbidites as Source Indicators: -- Implications for the Nuuanu and Wailau Giant Submarine Landslides -- S.B. Sherman, M.O. Garcia, and E. Takahashi --Volcanic Breccia and Hyaloclastite in Blocks From the Nuuanu and Wailau Landslides, Hawaii -- David A. Clague, James G. Moore, and Alice S. Davis --Geochemical and Petrological Characteristics of Nuuanu and Wailau Landslide Blocks -- Ken Shinozaki, Zhong-Yuan Ren, and Eiichi Takahashi --Geochemical Evolution of Koolau Volcano, Hawaii -- Ryoji Tanaka, Eizo Nakamura, and Eiichi Takahashi --Three-Dimensional Reconstruction and Tsunami Model of the Nuuanu and Wailau Giant Landslides, Hawaii -- Kenji Satake, John R. Smith, and Ken Shinozaki --Section 4 The Hawaiian Plume and Magma Genesis --Introduction to Section 4 -- Eiichi Takahashi --Seismic Images of Hot Spots and Mantle Plumes -- Dapeng Zhao, Fumiko Ochi, and Eiichi Takahashi --Heat-Flow Variations Over Hawaiian Swell Controlled by Near-Surface Processes, not Plume Properties -- Marcia K. McNutt --Noble Gas Systematics of the Hawaiian Volcanoes Based on the Analysis of Loihi, Kilauea and Koolau -- Submarine Rocks -- Ichiro Kaneoka, Takeshi Hanyu, Junji Yamamoto, and Yayoi N. Miura --Submarine Picritic Basalts from K6olau Volcano, Hawaii: Implications for Parental -- Magma Compositions and Mantle Source -- Michael 0. Garcia --Melting Process in the Hawaiian Plume: An Experimental Study -- Eiichi Takahashi and Katsuji Nakajima