"Developed from a symposium sponsored by the Divisions of Agrochemicals and of Environmental Chemistry at the 199th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, April 22-27, 1990."
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Text of Note
Groundwater residue sampling : overview of the approach taken by government agencies / Ralph G. Nash, Charles S. Helling, Stephen E. Ragone, and Anne R. Leslie -- Health advisories and alternative agricultural practices : regulatory basis for concern and its influence on legislation / Anne R. Leslie and Michael Barrett -- Field-scale monitoring studies to evaluate mobility of pesticides in soils and groundwater / Elizabeth Behl and Catherine A. Eiden -- Geostatistics for sampling designs and analysis / Allan Gutjahr -- Minimum cost sample allocation / Robert E. Mason and James Boland -- Regional and targeted groundwater quality networks in the Delmarva Peninsula / Michael T. Koterba, Robert J. Shedlock, L. Joseph Bachman, and Patrick J. Phillips -- Groundwater-sampling network to study agrochemical effects on water quality in the unconfined aquifer : southeastern Delaware / Judith M. Denver -- Study design to investigate and simulate agrochemical movement and fate in groundwater recharge / L.E. Asmussen and C.N. Smith -- Design of field research and monitoring programs to assess environmental fate / Russell L. Jones and Frank A. Norris -- Soil map units : basis for agrochemical-residue sampling / D.L. Karlen and T.E. Fenton -- System design for evaluation and control of agrochemical movement in soils above shallow water tables : system design for water table management / Guye H. Willis, James L. Fouss, James S. Rogers, Cade E. Carter, and Lloyd M. Southwick -- Well installation and sampling procedures for monitoring groundwater beneath agricultural fields / S. Dwight Kirkland, Russell L. Jones, and Frank A. Norris -- Sampling groundwater in a northeastern U.S. watershed / H.B. Pionke, J.B. Urban, W.J. Gburek, A.S. Rogowski, and R.R. Schnabel -- Water quality sampling program at low-level radioactive groundwater contamination site, Wood River Junction, Rhode Island / Barbara J. Ryan and Denis F. Healy -- Economical monitoring procedure for assessing agrochemical nonpoint source loading in unconsolidated aquifers / Roy F. Spalding, Mary E. Exner, and Mark E. Burbach -- Monitoring agrochemical transport into shallow unconfined aquifers / K.W. Staver and R.B. Brinsfield -- Experiences and knowledge gained from vadose zone sampling / J.L. Starr, J.J. Meisinger, and T.B. Parkin -- Tension lysimeters for collecting soil percolate / J. Scott Angle, Maria S. McIntosh, and Robert L. Hill -- Compendium of in situ pore-liquid samplers for vadose zone / David W. Dorrance, L.G. Wilson, L.G. Everett, and S.J. Cullen -- Aseptic sampling of unconsolidated heaving soils in saturated zones / L.E. Leach and R.R. Ross -- Techniques for collecting soil samples in field research studies / Frank A. Norris, Russell L. Jones, S. Dwight Kirkland, and Terry E. Marquardt -- Soil-pan method for studying pesticide dissipation on soil / B.D. Hill, D.J. Inaba, and G.B. Schaalje -- Rainfall simulation for evaluating agrochemical surface loss / Robert L. Hill, Christoph M. Gross, and J. Scott Angle.