All that glitters is gold! / Robert D. Blackledge and Edwin L. Jones, Jr. -- Forensic analysis of automotive airbag contact - not just a bag of hot air / Glenn D. Schubert -- Ink analysis using UV laser desorption mass spectrometry / John Allison -- Condom trace evidence in sexual assaults : Recovery and characterization / Wolfgang Keil, MD -- Latent invisible trace evidence : Chemical detection strategies / Gabor Patonay...[et al.] -- Application of cathodoluminescense to forensic science / Christopher S. Palenik, and JoAnn Buscaglia -- Forensic application of DART (direct analysis in real time) mass spectrometry / James A. Laramee -- Forensic analysis of dyes in fibers via mass spectrometry / Linda A. Lewis and Michael E. Sigman -- Characterization of surface-modified fibers / Robert D. Blackledge and Kurt Gaenzle -- Characterization of smokeless powders / Wayne Moorehead -- Glass cuts / Helen R. Griffin -- Forensic examination of pressure sensitive tape / Jenny Smith -- Discrimination of forensic analytical chemical data using multivariate statistics / Stephen L. Morgan and Edward G. Bartick -- The color determination of optically variable flake pigments / Mike Nofi -- Forensic science applications of stable isotope ratio analysis / James R. Ehleringer, and Thure E. Cerling, and Jason B. West