1. The Human Factors Function -- 1. The Discipline of Ergonomics and Human Factors -- 2. Human Factors Engineering and Systems Design -- 2. The Human Factors Fundamentals -- 3. Sensation and Perception -- 4. Selection and Control of Action -- 5. Information Processing -- 6. Communication and Human Factors -- 7. Cultural Ergonomics -- 8. Decision-Making Models and Decision Support -- 9. Mental Workload and Situation Awareness -- 10. Social and Organizational Foundations of Ergonomics -- 11. Human Factors and Ergonomic Methods -- 12. Anthropometry -- 13. Basic Biomechanics and Workstation Design -- 3. Design of Tasks and Jobs -- 14. Task Analysis: Why, What, and How -- 15. Task Design and Motivation -- 16. Job and Team Design -- 17. Personnel Selection -- 18. Design, Delivery, and Evaluation of Training Systems -- 19. Human Factors in Organizational Design and Management -- 20. Situation Awareness -- 21. Affective and Pleasurable Design -- 4. Equipment, Workplace, and Environmental Design -- 22. Workplace Design -- 23. Vibration and Motion -- 24. Sound and Noise -- 25. Illumination -- 5. Design for Health, Safety, and Comfort -- 26. Occupational Health and Safety Management -- 27. Human Error -- 28. Ergonomics of Work Systems -- 29. Psychosocial Approach to Occupational Health -- 30. Manual Materials Handling -- 31. Work-Related Upper Extremity Musculoskeletal Disorders -- 32. Warnings and Hazard Communications -- 33. Use of Personal Protective Equipment in the Workplace -- 34. Human Space Flight -- 35. Chemical, Dust, Biological, and Electromagnetic Radiation Hazards -- 6. Performance Modeling -- 36. Modeling Human Performance in Complex Systems -- 37. Mathematical Models in Engineering Psychology: Optimizing Performance -- 38. Supervisory Control -- 39. Digital Human Modeling for CAE Applications -- 40. Virtual Environments -- 7. Evaluation -- 41. Accident and Incident Investigation -- 42. Human Factors and Ergonomics Audits -- 43. Cost-Benefit Analysis of Human Systems Investments p. 1133 44. Methods of Evaluating Outcomes -- 8. Human-Computer Interaction -- 45. Visual Displays -- 46. Information Visualization -- 47. Online Communities -- 48. Human Factors and Information Security -- 49. Usability Testing -- 50. Web Site Design and Evaluation -- 51. Design of E-Business Web Sites -- 52. Augmented Cognition in Human-System Interaction -- 9. Design for Individual Differences -- 53. Design for People with Functional Limitations -- 54. Design for Aging -- 55. Design for Children -- 56. Design for All: Computer-Assisted Design of User Interface Adaptation -- 10. Selected Applications in Human Factors and Ergonomics -- 57. Human Factors and Ergonomics Standards -- 58. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Medicine -- 59. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Motor Vehicle Transportation -- 60. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Automation Design -- 61. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing and Process Control -- Index
Text of Note
The completely revised edition of the leading reference on human factors and ergonomics The field of human factors and ergonomics has developed and broadened considerably since its inception more than sixty years ago, and no single book has done more to help proliferate its importance than the Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics. Winner of the Institute of Industrial Engineers Joint Publishers Book-of-the-Year Award, this thoroughly revised Third Edition of Gavriel Salvendy's seminal work compiles the research of 109 of the world's top thinkers and practitioners in one volume. All new chapters feature theoretically based and practically oriented material-supported by numerous case studies, examples, figures, and tables-to be useful to both practitioners and researchers. A value-packed read for all human factors and ergonomics specialists, engineers, industrial hygienists, safety engineers, and human-computer interaction (HCI) specialists, this Third Edition covers such new topics as: * Cultural ergonomics * Virtual environments * Human factors and information security * Usability evaluation and testing * Design of e-business Web sites * Augmented cognition in HCI * Design for those with disabilities * Design for children * Human factors and ergonomics standards * Human factors and ergonomics in transportation * And much more