Conceptual underpinnings of social work in health care / Sarah Gehlert -- Social work roles and health-care settings / Teri Browne -- Ethics and social work in health care / Jared Sparks -- Public health and social work / Marjorie R. Sable, Deborah R. Schild, and J. Aaron Hipp -- Health policy and social work / Julie S. Darnell and Edward F. Lawlor -- Theories of health behavior / Sarah Gehlert and Sarah E. Bollinger -- Community and health / Christopher Masi -- Physical and mental health : interactions, assessment, and interventions / Malitta Engstrom -- Social work practice and disability issues / Rebecca Brashler -- Communication in health care / Sarah Gehlert -- Religion, spirituality, health, and social work / Terry A. Wolfer -- Developing a shared understanding : when medical patients use complementary and alternative approaches / Penny B. Block -- Families, health, and illness / John S. Rolland -- Human sexual health / Les Gallo-Silver and David S. Bimbi -- Social work with children and adolescents with medical conditions / Nancy Boyd Webb and Rose A. Bartone -- Social work with older adults in health-care settings / Sadhna Diwan, Shantha Balaswamy, and Sang E. Lee -- Substance use problems in health social work practice / Malitta Engstrom, Colleen A. Mahoney, and Jeanne C. Marsh -- Nephrology social work / Teri Browne -- Oncology social work / Daniel S. Gardner and Allison Werner-Lin -- Adherence and mental health issues in chronic disease : diabetes, heart disease, and HIV/AIDS / Wendy Auslander and Stacey Freedenthal -- Social work and genetics / Allison Werner-Lin and Kate Reed -- Pain management and palliative care / Terry Altilio, Shirley Otis-Green, Susan Hedlund, and Iris Cohen Fineberg -- End-of-life care / Yvette Colón
Text of Note
"Thoroughly revised and updated, the only comprehensive handbook of its kind covering the diverse field of health social work Now in its Second Edition, Handbook of Health Social Work provides a comprehensive and evidence-based overview of contemporary social work practice in health care. Written from a wellness perspective, the chapters cover practice and research areas ranging from chronic disorders to infectious disease, from physical to mental disorders, and all areas in between. An excellent resource preparing social workers for the present and future challenges of practice in the field of health care, The Handbook of Health Social Work, Second Edition features discussion on: New trends in social work and health care, including genetics, transdisciplinary care, as well as national and state changes in policy Health social work and children; the wide array of roles performed by social workers in health-care settings; ethical issues and decision making in a variety of arenas; understanding of community factors in health social work. Edited by two respected leaders in the field of health social work, this second edition includes contributions from a diverse team of notable experts, researchers, and scholars addressing multiple theoretical foundations, models, issues, and dilemmas for the social worker in health care. The resulting resource offers both a foundation for social work practice in health care and a guide for strategy, policy, and program development in proactive and actionable terms."--Publisher's description