Proceedings of the Symposium on Enzyme Defects and Immune Dysfunction, held Ciba Foundation, London, Nov. 7-9, 1978.
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Text of Note
Adenosine deaminase and purine nucleoside phosphorylase deficiency : how they were discovered and what they may mean / Eloise R. Giblett -- Buridan's ass : one man's view of the immune system / Jan Klein -- Clinical delineation of adenosine deaminase deficiency / Rochelle Hirschhorn -- Immunological aberrations in purine nucleoside phosphorylase deficiencies / Arthur J. Ammann -- Immunodeficiency due to transcobalamin II deficiency / W.H. Hitzig, Marijke Fràter-Schröder, R. Seger -- Nucleotide metabolism in cultured T cells and in cells of patients deficient in adenosine deaminase and purine nucleoside phosphorylase / Amos Cohen, Lorraine J. Gudas, Buddy Ullman, David W. Martin Jr -- Deoxyribonucleoside toxicity in adenosine deaminase and purine nucleoside phosphorylase deficiency : implications for the development of new immunosuppressive agents / Dennis A. Carson, Jonathan Kaye -- Ecto 5-nucleotidase deficiency in primary hypogammaglobulinaemia / A.D.B. Webster, M. Rowe, S.M. Johnson, G.L. Asherson, A. Harkness -- Allosteric regulation of calf thymusribonucleotide reductase / S. Eriksson, L. Thelander -- Adenosine deaminase : characteristics of the normal and mutant forms of the human enzyme / Peter E. Daddona, William N. Kelley -- Purine nucleoside phosphorylase : the normal enzyme and structural alterations in immunodeficiency disease / Irving H. Fox, Catherine M. Andres, Janice Kaminska, Robert L. Wortmann -- Purine nucleoside phosphorylase : immunodetection and characterization of the human enzyme / Gabrielle H. Reem -- Enzyme replacement and other biochemical approaches to the therapy of adenosine deaminase deficiency / Stephen H. Polmar -- An approach to the restoration of T cell function in a purine nucleoside phosphorylase deficient patient / B.J.M. Zegers, J.W. Stoop, G.E.J. Staal, S.K. Wadman -- Purine metabolism in adenosine deaminase deficiency / H. Anne Simmonds, A. Sahota, C.F. Potter, D. Perrett, K. Hugh-Jones, J.G. Watson.