Introduction and outline / Emilio Congregado -- Statistical issues in applied entrepreneurship research: data, methods and challenges / Simon C. Parker -- Entrepreneurial tools / Jos Mara O'kean and Jos Manuel Menudo -- Understanding entrepreneurship: developing indicators for international comparisons and assessments / Tim Davis -- The COMPENDIA data base: COMParative ENtrepreneurship Data for International Analysis / Andr van Stel -- Entrepreneurship analysis from a human population surveys' perspective / Jos Mara Milln, Concepcin Romn and Emilio Congregado -- A proposed framework for business demography statistics / Nadim Ahmad -- Entrepreneurship performance and framework conditions: a general framework / Morten Larsen -- Self-employment and unemployment in Spanish regions in the period 1979-2001 / Antonio Anbal Golpe and Andr van Stel -- Tax incentives and entrepreneurship: measurement and data considerations / Herbert J. Schuetze -- Using survival models with individual data / Juan Antonio Mez, Mara Engracia Rochina and Juan Antonio Sanchis -- Entrepreneurial human capital: essays of measurement and empirical evidence / Emilio Congregado, Mnica Carmona and Concepcin Romn -- Global entrepreneurship monitor and entrepreneurs' export orientation / Jolanda Hessels and Andr van Stel -- Labour market institutions and entrepreneurshp / Antonio Anbal Golpe, Jos Mara Milln and Concepcin Romn -- Financial system and entrepreneurship: institutions and agents / Mnica Carmona, Mario Cerdn and Jos Mara Milln -- Building a statistical system on entrepreneurship: a theoretical framework / Emilio Congregado ... [et al.]