Revised edition of: The international money game. 5th rev. ed. c1987
Text of Note
1. A System is How the Pieces Fit -- 2. The Name of the Game is Money -- Pt. I. International Monetary Arrangements, Money, and Politics -- 3. 'The Greatest Monetary Agreement in History' -- 4. The Gnomes of Zurich Play in the Largest Market in the World -- 5. Gold -- How much is a 'Barbarous Relic' Worth? -- 6. The Dollar and Coca-Cola are both Brand Names -- 7. Radio Luxembourg and the Eurodollar Market are both Offshore Stations -- 8. They Invented Money so They Could Have Inflation -- 9. Oil and OPEC Roller Coaster -- 10. The Threes Ds -- Disinflation, Deflation, and Depression -- 11. Optimal Bankrupts -- Deadbeats on an International Treadmill -- 12. Central Bankers Read Election Returns, not Balance Sheets -- 13. Monetary Reform -- Where Do the Problems Go When They're Assumed Away? -- Pt. II. The Costs of 100 National Monies -- 14. The Money Game and the Level Playing Field -- 15. Underground Economies and the Cost of Regulation -- 16. Tax Avoidance -- A Game for the Rich -- 17. Banking on the Wire -- 18. Zeros, Swaps, and Options -- The Revolution in Finance -- 19. The World Market for Stocks and Bonds -- 20. Why are Multinational Firms Mostly American? -- 21. Japan -- The First Superstate? -- 22. China -- The 800lb Gorilla -- 23. Zlotys, Rubles, and Leks -- 24. Transition Economies -- Who Lost Russia? -- 25. Fitting the Pieces Once Again
Text of Note
"Previous editions of Robert Z. Aliber's The New International Money Game have been widely acclaimed as the best and most entertaining introduction to the arcane enigmas of international finance. Since its original publication, the book has become a classic primer for beginning students, businesspersons, and anyone interested in a clear explanation of international monetary and financial issues. With expert knowledge and a wry sense of humor, Aliber demystifies international finance by breaking through the jargon barrier and presenting technical issues in a clear and concise manner. Aliber takes the reader on a tour of a multiplicity of international finance issues, included fixed and floating exchange rates, devaluations, money markets, monetary policy, and the concepts that lie behind the esoteric language of financial economists. This sixth edition tracks the changes that have taken place in the world economy since the previous editions by exploring financial globalization, postcommunist transition, European integration, and the Asian economic crisis. It is an indispensable and highly readable guide to the complex and increasingly fragile system through which the world's business is financed"--Publisher's description