Volunteering and values : an introduction / Paul Dekker and Loek Halman -- All in the eyes of the beholder? Perceptions of volunteering across eight countries / Lucas C.P.M. Meijs [and others] -- Volunteering in global perspective / Virginia A. Hodgkinson -- Modernization and volunteering / Ronald Inglehart -- Institutional roots of volunteering : toward a macro-structural theory of individual voluntary action / Lester M. Salamon and S. Wojciech Sokolowski -- Do people who volunteer have a distinctive ethos? A Canadian study / Paul Reed and L. Kevin Selbec -- A humanistic perspective on the volunteer-recipient relationship : a Mexican study / Jacqueline Butcher -- From restitution to innovation : volunteering in postcommunist countries / Stanislovas Juknevicius and Aida Savicka -- Volunteering in Romania : a rara avis / Mǎlina Voicu and Bodgan Voicu -- Generations and organizational change / Dag Wollebæk and Per Selle -- Volunteering, democracy, and democratic attitudes / Loek Halman -- Cultivating apathy in voluntary associations / Nina Eliasoph
Text of Note
'The Values of Volunteering' examines volunteering in detail from a civil society perspective, using empirical data garnered from various sources for countries all over the globe. Topics range from diversity, social & cultural determinants of volunteering, to its individual, social & political effects