(cont) Prevalence at birth of neural tube defects in California: a population-based study / Margarita E. Villarino, Amanda L. Golbeck, Craig A. Molgaard -- Lapse of consciousness: the impact of litigation on surveillance in a defined population / Louise S. Gresham, Michelle M. Ginsberg -- Neuroepidemiology of intrauterine radiation exposure / Lowell E. Sever -- Childhood convulsions associated with cerebral malaria in Ghana: an example of shoe-leather neuroepidemiology / Kathryn Bartmann, Laura K. Wyman, Paul Dagbui -- Epidemiology of childhood lead poisoning / Omar Shafey -- Utility of stroke data banks in the epidemiology of cerebrovascular disease / John F. Rothrock, Patrick D. Lyden, Mark L. Brody -- Biostatistics and neuroepidemiology / Amanda L. Golbeck, Patricia Silva -- Case-control study of head injury to elementary school children / Monica Brown, Louise K. Hofherr, Craig A. Molgaard -- Epidemiology of Alzheimer's Disease and dementia among Hispanic Americans / Richard L. Hough, Bohdan Kolody, Barbary Du Bois
Text of Note
Multiple sclerosis in the Faroe Islands / John F. Kurtzke, Kay Hyllested, Anne Heltberg -- Epidemiology of Alzheimer's Disease in the People's Republic of China / Elena Yu [and others] -- Update of the epidemiology of Western Pacific amyotrophic lateral sclerosis / Leonard T. Kurland, Kurupath Radhakrishnan -- Epidemiology of stroke-related disability / Craig Anderson, Konrad Jamrozik -- Neuroepidemiology of human T-cell lymphotrophic virus-I / Stephanie K. Brodine, Richard J. Thomas -- Patient-based assessments of health status and outcome for some neurologic disorders / Ray Fitzpatrick, Ian Robinson, Graham Scambler -- Epidemiology of Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome and related neurologic disorders due to alcoholism / Heather Spencer Feigelson, Craig A. Molgaard -- Cerebrovascular disease and smoking / Deborah M. Parra-Medina, Erin Kenney, John P. Elder -- Alien hand / Rachelle Smith Doody -- Alzheimer's Disease and related disorders among African Americans / E. Percil Stanford, Barbara Du Bois