Previous edition: published as edited by Israel Cuéllar and Freddy A. Paniagua. London: Academic, 2000
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Includes bibliographical references and index
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Foundations : overview of theory and models. The study of culture and psychopathology : fundamental concepts and historic forces / Ann- Marie Yamada and Anthony J. Marsella ; Culture-bound syndromes, cultural variations, and psychopathology / Freddy A. Paniagua ; Cultural models of health and illness / Ronald J. Angel and Kristi Williams ; Indigenous approaches to assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of mental disorders / Louise Sundararajan, Girishwar Misra, and Anthony J. Marsella ; Race, ethnicity, and the epidemiology of mental disorders in adults / Charles E. Holzer III and Sam Copeland ; The role of the social class workview model in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of mental and physical health / William Ming Liu, Marcus C. Alt and Ryan F. Pittsinger ; Gender role conflict and intersecting identities in the assessment and treatment of culturally diverse populations / Genevieve Canales and Sofia A. Lopez ; Spirituality and culture : implications for mental health service delivery to diverse populations / Jennifer Shimako Abe ; Nativity and migration : considering acculturation in the assessment and treatment of mental disorders / Gayle Y. Iwamasa, Shilpa M.P. Regan, Andrew Subica and Ann-Marie Yamada -- Specialized assessment in a multicultural context. Conducting the cross-cultural clinical interview / Cervando Martinez ; Culture and methodology in personality assessment / Richard H. Dana ; Neuropsychological assessment of culturally and educationally dissimilar individuals / Antonio E. Puente, Miguel Perez-Garcia, Raquel Vilar Lopez, Natalia A. Hidalgo-Ruzzante and Ahmed F. Fasfous ; Methodologies for test translation and cultural equivalence / Bill R. Arnold and Jennifer L. Smith -- Assessing and treating four major culturally diverse groups in clinical settings. Mental health assessment and treatment of African Americans in a cultural context / Linda James Myers and Michelle Anderson ; Assessing and treating American Indian and Alaska native peoples / Denise A. Dillard and Spero M. Manson ; Assessing and treating Asian Americans : recent advances in mental health research / Sumie Okazaki and Ariane Ling ; Assessing and treating Latinos : overview of mental health research / Andrea J. Romero, Lisa M. Edwards and Shannon Corkery -- Assessing and treating other culturally diverse groups in clinical settings. The assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of mental disorders among Muslims / Farah A. Ibraham and Jianna R. Heuer ; Military culture and multicultural diversity among military service members : implications for mental health providers / Ann-Marie Yamada, Hazel R. Atuel and Eugenia L. Weiss ; The mental health of culturally diverse older adults : research and clinical issues / Sandra A. Black ; Improving treatment engagement and psychotherapy outcomes for culturally diverse youth and families / Stanley J. Huey Jr. and Eduardo O. Jones -- Specific conditions/presenting problems in a cultural context. Racial and ethnic considerations in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities / Sylvia Z. Ramirez, Marcos Silva, Rica Ramirez and Erika Perez ; The therapeutic needs of culturally diverse individuals with physical disabilities / Martha E. Banks ; Suicide among racial and ethnic groups : implications for research and practice / Frederick T.L. Leong, Mark M. Leach and Zornitsa Kalibatseva ; Therapeutic treatment approaches for ethnically diverse survivors of interpersonal trauma / Thema Bryant-Davis, Monica U. Ellis and Nathan Edwards -- Multicultural competence in clinical settings. Culture and evidence-based prevention programs / Richard M. Lee, AnnaMarie Vu and Anna Lau ; A review and critique of multicultural competence measures : toward a social justice-oriented health service delivery model / Glenn C. Gamst and Christopher T.H. Liang ; Integrating ethical considerations in multicultural curriculum and training : expanding the classroom to the community / Miguel E. Gallardo and Nahal Kaivan ; Responding to the challenge : preparing mental health professionals for the new millennium / George K. Hong, Margaret Garcia, and Marcel Soriano
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Discusses the impact of cultural, ethnic, and racial variables for the assessment, diagnosis, treatment, service delivery, and development of skills for working with culturally diverse populations. This second edition recognizes diversity as extending beyond race and ethnicity to reflect characteristics or experiences related to gender, age, religion, disability, and socioeconomic status