v. 1. Denise Albe-Fessard ; Julius Axelrod, Peter O. Bishop ; Theodore H. Bullock, Irving T. Diamond ; Robert Galambos ; Viktor Hamburger ; Sir Alan L. Hodgkin ; David H. Hubel ; Herbert H. Jasper ; Sir Bernard Katz ; Seymour S. Kety ; Benjamin Libet ; Louis Sokoloff ; James M. Sprague ; Curt von Euler ; John Z. Young -- v. 2. Lloyd M. Beidler ; Arvid Carlsson ; Donald R. Griffin ; Roger Guillemin ; Ray Guillery ; Masao Ito ; Martin G. Larrabee ; Jerome Lettvin ; Paul D. MacLean ; Brenda Milner ; Karl H. Pribram ; Eugene Roberts ; Gunther Stent -- v. 3. Morris H. Aprison ; Brian B. Boycott ; Vernon B. Brooks ; Pierre Buser ; Hsiang-Tung Chang ; Augusto Claudio Guillermo Cuello ; Robert W. Doty ; Bernice Grafstein ; Ainsley Iggo ; Jennifer S. Lund ; Patrick L. McGeer & Edith ; Graef McGeer ; Edward R. Perl ; Donald B. Tower ; Patrick D. Wall ; Wally Welker -- v. 4. Per Andersen ; Mary Bunge ; Jan Bures ; Jean-Pierre Changeux ; John Dowling ; Oleh Hornykiewicz ; Andrew Huxley ; Jac Sue Kehoe ; Ed Kravitz ; James McGaugh ; Randolf Menzel ; Mircea Steriade ; Richard Thompson ; W. Maxwell Cowan (completed by Brent Stanfield) -- v. 5. Samuel H. Barondes ; Joseph E. Bogen ; Alan Cowey ; David R. Curtis ; Ennio De Renzi ; John S. Edwards ; Mitchell Glickstein ; Carlton C. Hunt ; Lynn T. Landmesser ; Rodolfo R. Llinas ; Alan Peters ; Martin Raff ; Wilfrid Rall ; Mark R. Rosenzweig ; Arnold B. Schiebel ; Gerald Westheimer -- v. 6. Bernard W. Agranoff ; Emilio Bizzi ; Marian Cleeves Diamond ; Charles G. Gross ; Richard Held ; Leslie L. Iversen ; Masakazu Konishi ; Lawrence Kruger ; Susan E. Leeman ; Vernon B. Mountcastle ; Shigetada Nakanishi ; Solomon H. Snyder ; Nobuo Suga ; Hans Thoenen
Text of Note
(Publisher-supplied data) This book is the second volume of autobiographical essays by distinguished senior neuroscientists it is part of the first collection of neuroscience writing that is primarily autobiographical. As neuroscience is a young discipline, the contributors to this volume are truly pioneers of scientific research on the brain and spinal cord. This collection of fascinating essays should inform and inspire students and working scientists alike. The general reader interested in science may also find the essays absorbing, as they are essentially human stories about commitment and the pursuit of knowledge. The contributors included in this volume are: Lloyd M. Beidler, Arvid Carlsson, Donald R. Griffin, Roger Guillemin, Ray Guillery, Masao Ito. Martin G. Larrabee, Jerome Lettvin, Paul D. MacLean, Brenda Milner, Karl H. Pribram, Eugene Roberts and Gunther Stent