"Originally published in Eur. Physics. J. C 74, 5 (2014)."
Text of Note
P. Ramond, SUSY: "the early years (1966-1976)".- P. Fayet, 'The Supersymmetric Standard Model'.- I. Melzer-Pellmann (CMS), P. Pralavorio (ATLAS), 'Lessons for SUSY from the LHC after the first run' -- J. Ellis, 'Supersymmetric fits after the Higgs discovery and implications for model building'.- A. Djouadi, 'Implications of the Higgs discovery for the MSSM' -- G. G. Ross, 'SUSY: Quo Vadis?' -- R. Catena, L. Covi, 'SUSY dark matter(s)' -- H. P. Nilles, 'The strings connection: MSSM-like models from strings' -- B. Bellazzini, C. Csáki, J. Serra, 'Composite Higgses'.
Text of Note
Supersymmetry (SUSY) is a new symmetry that relates bosons and fermions, which has strong support at both the mathematical and the physical level. This book offers a comprehensive review, following the development of SUSY from its very early days up to present. The order of the contributions should provide the reader with the historical development as well as the latest theoretical updates and interpretations, and experimental constraints from particle accelerators and dark matter searches. It is a great pleasure to bring together here contributions from authors who initiated or have contributed significantly to the development of this theory over so many years. To present a balanced point of view, the book also includes a closing contribution that attempts to describe the physics beyond the Standard Model in the absence of SUSY. The contributions to this book have been previously published in The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields