Introduction -- Why Study Drying Mud? -- Objectives and Organization of the Book -- Approach and Scope -- References -- Elasticity -- On Springs -- Deformation, Displacement and Strain -- Transformations of Strains, Principal Strains and Volumetric Strain -- Stress -- Thermodynamics and the Work of Deformation -- Linear Elasticity -- Different Formulations of Linear Elasticity -- Plane Elasticity -- Plane Strain and Plane Stress -- Airy Stress Function -- Summary -- Further Reading -- References -- Fracture Mechanics -- Griffith and Fracture Energy -- Stress Concentration -- Stress Intensity Factors -- Fracture Toughness and the Relationship Between K and G -- Summary of the Critical Conditions for Fracture -- An Example: Thin-film Fracture -- Nonlinear and Dissipative Effects of Fracture -- A Plastic Zone Model of Fracture -- A Mesoscopic View - The Path-Independent J-integral -- Dynamic Elasticity and Dynamic Fracture -- Crack Path Selection -- Summary and Further Reading -- References -- Poroelasticity -- Pressure and Stress in a Two-component System -- Pick's Laws -- Darcy's Law -- Network and Total Stress -- Linear Poroelasticity -- Poroelastic Energy Density -- Poroelastic Constitutive Relations -- Different Formulations of Poroelasticity -- Relationship Between Poroelasticity and Thermoelasticity -- Worked Examples of Poroelastic Deformation -- Poroelasticity and a Driving Force for Fracture -- Summary and Further Reading -- References -- Colloids and Clays -- DLVO Theory -- Van der Waals Potential -- Electrostatic Potential -- DLVO Theory and its Limitations -- Clays -- Summary and Further Reading -- References -- Desiccation -- Surface Tension and Capillary Pressure -- Contact Lines and Capillary Rise -- Solidification Through Evaporation -- Skin Formation -- Crystals and Cages -- Aggregation -- Pore-Scale Processes -- Structure of a Drying Soil -- Dynamics of a Drying Soil -- Continuum Models of Drying -- Surface Drying -- Internal Transport: Carman-Kozeny -- Further Reading -- References -- Patterns of Crack Networks in Homogeneous Media -- Introduction -- Experimental Observations -- Sequential Fragmentation and Length Scale Selection -- Scaling of Crack Width -- Distribution of Angles Between Cracks -- Directional Drying -- Characterizing the Crack Pattern: 2D View -- Scale Invariance in Crack Patterns: Self-Similar and Self-Affine Structures -- Scale Invariant Crack Width Distribution -- Fractal Dimension of the Crack Edge -- Self-Affinity of the Fracture Surface -- Fractal Fracture Mechanics -- Topology and Connectivity of the Crack Network -- Minkowski Numbers and Densities -- Network Theory Approach: Mapping onto an Equivalent Network -- Percolation -- Instabilities: Spirals and Wavy Cracks, En Echelon/En Passant Cracks, Star Cracks, and Wing Cracks -- En Echelon Cracks -- En Passant Cracks -- Spiral Cracks -- Wavy Cracks -- Star Bursts and More Patterns -- Crack Dynamics and Branching Cracks -- Transition Between Different Modes of Instability and Fracture -- Dendrite to Fracture -- Viscous Fingering to Fracture -- Invasion Percolation to Fracture -- Towards Three Dimensions: Geological Formations, Drying Soil and Peeling -- Obreimoff's Experiment -- Natural Mud Cracks in Quasi-2D -- Simulation of Quasi-2D Patterns -- 2D Modelling of Fracture: The Fibre Bundle Model -- Random Fuse Model -- Spring Network Model -- Other Models -- Summary -- Further Heading -- References -- The Effects of Plasticity on Crack Formation -- Introduction to Rheology -- Elastic Material and Fluid -- Linear Viscoelasticity -- Bingham Model -- Elastoplasticity for Slow Deformation Processes -- Decomposition of Elastic and Plastic Deformation -- Thermodynamics of Elastoplasticity -- Yield Conditions and the Normality Law -- Yield Conditions of Paste-Like Materials -- Crack Propagation in a Layer of Wet Paste -- Plumose Structure in Crack Surfaces -- Microscopic Observation of Plastic Deformation -- Measurements of the Speed of Crack Growth in a Uniform Paste Layer -- Theoretical Approaches for Crack Velocities -- Viscoelastic Effect on Crack Propagation: ID Lattice Model of Rheological Elements -- Competition of Global Plastic Relaxation and Crack Growth -- Memory Effect of Paste Due to Its Plasticity -- Memory of Vibration and Its Visualization as Desiccation Crack Pattern -- Memory of Vibration and Lamellar Crack Pattern -- Plasticity of Paste -- Condition for the Memory Effect of Vibration: Experimental Results -- Residual Tension Theory to Explain Memory Effect of Vibration -- Quasi-linear Analysis -- Governing Equations for Non-linear Analysis -- Non-linear Analysis -- Condition for the Memory Effect of Vibration: Theoretical Explanation -- Position Control of Cracks by Memory Effect and Faraday-Waves -- Memory of Flow and a Role of Interaction Between Colloidal Particles -- Further Reading -- References -- Special Topics -- Tailoring Crack Patterns -- Effect of Electric Fields on Desiccation Cracks -- Effects of a Direct Field (DC) -- Effect of an Alternating Field (AC) -- DC Yield Effect in Drying Droplets -- Effect of a Magnetic Field on Desiccation Cracks -- Patterning Cracks Through Micro-Technology -- Designing Crack-Resistant Materials and Composites -- Composites of Soft and Hard Particles -- Employing Heterogeneous Material -- Crack Reduction with 'Liquid Particles' -- Crack Patterns in Drying Droplets of Biofluids -- Human Blood Droplets and Drying Dynamics -- Effect of Relative Humidity on Drying Droplets -- Substrate Effect on Drying Droplets of Blood -- Evolving Crack Networks -- Columnar Joints -- Evolving Mud Cracks -- Other Crack Patterns -- Further Reading -- References
Text of Note
Bringing together basic ideas, classical theories, recent experimental and theoretical aspects, this book explains desiccation cracks from simple, easily-comprehensible cases to more complex, applied situations. The ideal team of authors, combining experimental and theoretical backgrounds, and with experience in both physical and earth sciences, discuss how the study of cracks can lead to the design of crack-resistant materials, as well as how cracks can be grown to generate patterned surfaces at the nano- and micro-scales. Important research and recent developments on tailoring desiccation cr