Mathematical advances towards sustainable environmental systems /
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James N. Furze, Kelly Swing, Anil K. Gupta, Richard H. McClatchey, Darren M. Reynolds, editors
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Text of Note
Foreword: The Vocabulary of Nature; Preface: From the Coordinating Editor; Contents; Contributors; Chapter 1: Mathematical Advances Towards Sustainable Environmental Systems: Context and Perspectives; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Chapter Outlines; References; Chapter 2: Biological Modelling for Sustainable Ecosystems; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Biogeographic studies, Digital Elevation Models, Climatic data and Biological Records; 2.3 Mathematic Detail of Algorithmic Structures; 2.4 Genetic Dispersal/Stochastic Methods
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2.5 Functional Approximation Algorithms/Using Continual and Discrete Data for Informative Expansion2.6 Case Studies: Plant Strategies, Life Forms and Metabolism; 2.7 Heuristic and Optimal Search Capability and Application to Biological, Chemical and Physical Data; 2.8 Conclusions/Further Directions; References; Chapter 3: On the Dynamics of the Deployment of Renewable Energy Production Capacities; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Energy Return on Energy Investment; 3.3 MODERN: A Discrete-Time Model of the Deployment of Renewable Energy Production Capacities; 3.3.1 Time
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3.3.2 Assumption Regarding the Energy Produced from Nonrenewable Sources3.3.3 Energy from Renewable Origin; 3.3.4 Dynamics of Deployment of Energy Production Means; 3.3.5 Energy Costs for Growth and Long-Term Replacement; 3.3.6 Total Energy and Net Energy to Society; 3.3.7 Constraints on the Quantity of Energy Invested for Energy Production; 3.3.8 Assumptions on Growth and Replacement Energy Costs; 3.4 Simulation Results: Case Study for Photovoltaic Panels; 3.4.1 Variable Initialization; 3.4.2 Growth Scenario; 3.4.3 Depletion of Nonrenewable Resources Scenario
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3.4.4 Values of ERoEI and Lifetime3.4.5 Typical Runs; 3.5 On the Potential Benefits of Using Control Strategies; 3.6 From Modelling to Society; 3.7 Conclusions; References; Chapter 4: Water System Modelling; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Water Systems Modelling for Quantity and Quality; 4.2.1 AGNPS; 4.2.2 ANSWERS; 4.2.3 CASC2D; 4.2.4 MIKESHE; 4.2.5 DWSM; 4.2.6 KINEROS; 4.2.7 HSPF; 4.2.8 SWAT; 4.2.9 PRMS; 4.2.10 HEC-HMS; 4.2.11 HEC-RAS; 4.2.12 WEAP; 4.3 Time and Space Scale; 4.3.1 Time Scales in Modelling; Event-Based Models; Continuous Models; 4.3.2 Space Scale in Modelling
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4.3.3 Mathematical Bases for the Selected Models4.4 Model Calibration and Verification; 4.4.1 Root Mean Square Error (RMSE); 4.4.2 Coefficient of Determination R2; 4.4.3 Chi-square; 4.4.4 Nash-Sutcliffe Coefficient; 4.4.5 Index of Agreement d; 4.4.6 Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency with Logarithmic Values ln E; 4.4.7 Modified Forms of E and d; 4.4.8 Relative Efficiency Criteria Erel and drel; 4.4.9 Measures of Efficiency; 4.5 Discussion; 4.6 Selecting a Model for Estimating Nutrient Yield and Transportation During Flash Floods and Wet Seasons
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This edited volume focuses on how we can protect our environment and enhance environmental sustainability when faced with changes and pressures imposed by our expansive needs. The volume unites multiple subject areas within sustainability, enabling the techniques and philosophy in the chapters to be applied to research areas in environmental science, plant sciences, energy, biodiversity and conservation. The chapters from expert contributors cover topics such as mathematical modelling tools used to monitor diversity of plant species, and the stability of ecosystem services such as biogeochemical cycling. Empirical research presented here also brings together mathematical developments in the important fields of robotics including kinematics, dynamics, path planning, control, vision, and swarmanoids. Through this book readers will also discover about rainfall-runoff modelling which will give them a better idea of the effects of climate change on the sustainability of water resources at the watershed scale. Modelling approaches will also be examined that maximize readers insights into the global problem of energy transition, i.e. the switch to an energy production system using renewable resources only. Collective and discrete insights are made to assist with synergy which should progress well beyond this book. Insight is also given to assist policy formations, development and implementations. The book has a strong multi-disciplinary nature at its core, and will appeal to both generalist readers and specialists in information technology, mathematics, biology, physics, chemistry and environmental sciences