Introduction: The Secret -- What is Mission Mastery? -- Mission Mastery -- Pillar 1: Mission -- Mission Mastery: Pillar 2 -- Organization Design -- Mission Mastery: Pillar 3 -- Leadership -- Pillar 4 -- Experimental Learning -- Pillar 5 -- Culture -- Mission Mastery: The DMA Solution Set -- An Absence of Mission Mastery: A Case Study -- Mission Mastery . Building a Learning Organization in Which There Is Space to Lead
Text of Note
This book reveals the story of how the first large learning organization was formed. Emerging around 1870, it involved an organizational transformation that followed a disaster some 60 years earlier. The great success of this process was the introduction of a totally new approach to leadership ĺl a competitive edge that would go undetected for another 100 years. The original development involved the Prussian/German Army under a great leader, Helmut von Moltke. NATO countries finally discovered this ĺlsecret weapon,ĺl which they have since implemented in their mission command centers, in the 1980s. The book distils five underlying features or pillars of the transformed organization, and describes how they can be applied in civilian organizations to attain a state of Mission Mastery. Never before published, these ideas are supplemented by numerous references and practical examples to illustrate the persuasive power of the case made ĺl namely that most civilian organizations are weak in terms of the five key ingredients needed for Mission Mastery. ĺlThis book is a must-read for all charged with developing tomorrow's leaders.ĺl Sir Michael Perry, GBE ĺl previously Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Unilever, Chairman of Centrica, Chairman of the Senior Salaries Review Body, Independent Director at Singapore Technologies Telemedia Pte. Ltd and Chairman of the Faculty Board at the Said Business School, Oxford University. ĺlMission Mastery is a masterwork.ĺl Professor Stephen J. Perkins, DPhil (Oxon) Dean Guildhall Faculty of Business & Law, London Metropolitan University, UK ĺlNo other book on organizational leadership is as relevant today as Mission Masteryĺl. Gerald A. Arbuckle, Organizational Anthropologist, and author of Humanizing Healthcare Reforms