Introduction: International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning Statistics -- Young Students' Mental Modelling of Statistical Situations -- Learning to Integrate Statistical and Work-Related Reasoning -- Children Wonder how to Wander Between Data and Context -- Supporting Students to Develop Concepts Underlying Sampling and to Shuttle Between Contextual and Statistical Spheres -- The Language of Shape -- Development of an Understanding of a Sampling Distribution -- Korean High School Students' Understanding of the Concept of Correlation -- Connection Between Statistical Thinking and Critical Thinking?: A Case Study -- Tasks Associated to the Treatment of Tables at Elementary School and Its Level of Difficulty -- Characteristics of Abductive Explanation in Statistics Education of Lower Secondary School -- An Analysis of the Statistical Contents Covered in China, Singapore and Taiwan Mathematics Textbooks at the Primary Level -- Mathematical Modelling for Critical Statistics Education -- Survey and Research on the Levels of High School Students' Critical Evaluation of Statistical Information and the Influence Factors -- Aspects of Statistical Literacy in Grades 5 and 6 -- The Conceptual Understanding of Variability in the Data Distribution -- Students' Misconceptions and Mistakes Related to the Measurementin Statistical Investigation and Graphical Representation of Data -- Overall Understanding of the Middle School Mathematics Course in Teaching Statistics Main Line -- Growth on Fourth-Grade Students' Mathematical Understanding of Average -- The Disaster at the Nuclear Power Station and its District -- Exploring Dotplot in the Perspective of Embodied Cognition -- Students' Difficulties in Understanding the Confidence Intervals -- A Modeling and Simulation Approach to Informal Inference -- Students' Understanding Statistical Terms Having Lexical Ambiguity -- Student Understanding of Symbols in Introductory Statistics Courses -- Two Year College Mathematics Instructors' Concepts of Variation -- Students' Sense Making of Graphical Representation in Basic Statistics -- Teaching Some Basic Statistical Concepts by Experimentation -- Bootstrapping Confidence Intervals -- Undergraduate Students' Conceptions of Variability in a Dynamic Computer-Based Environment -- Transforming Statistics Education Through ICT Application -- Selecting Technology to Promote Learning in an Online Introductory Statistics Course -- The Role of Technology in Indian Statistic Education: A Review -- Building Up the Boxplot in Indian Statistics Education -- Building up the Boxplot as a Tool for Representing and Structuring Data Distributions -- Integrated Reasoning about Statistical Variation.-Preservice Teachers' Difficulties with Statistical Writing -- Teachers' Questions in the Statistics Class -- Statistical Training of Pre-Service Teachers with Application in School Practice -- Statistics in Primary Education in Greece -- Developing Statistical Literacy (DSL) -- Teacher Capacity as a Key Element of National Curriculum Reform in Statistical Thinking -- A Framework for Assessing Statistical Knowledge for Teaching Based on the Identification of Conceptions of Variability Held by Teachers -- An Investigation into the Statistics Education of Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers at an Irish University