A student's guide through the great physics texts /
General Material Designation
First Statement of Responsibility
Kerry Kuehn
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
4 volumes :
Other Physical Details
illustrations (some color), maps ;
24 cm
Series Title
Undergraduate lecture notes in physics,
ISSN of Series
Text of Note
Note from the prefaces in the first and second volumes: "This four-volume book grew from a four-semester general physics curriculum which I developed and taught for the past decade to undergraduate students at Wisconsin Lutheran College in Milwaukee."
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index
Text of Note
v. I. The heavens and the earth -- v. II. Space, time and motion -- v. III. Electricity, magnetism and light -- v. IV. Heat, atoms and quanta
Text of Note
Volume 1. The heavens and the earth -- Nature, number and substance -- The shape and motion of the heavens -- Harmony and complexity -- Earth at the center of the world -- The world of Ptolemy -- Measuring the tropical Year -- Geometrical tools -- The sun, the moon and the calendar -- From Astronomy to cartography -- Climates and continents -- Heliocentrism: hypothesis or truth? -- Earth as a wandering star -- Re-ordering the heavenly spheres -- Celestial physics -- Broken spheres -- Kepler's third law -- Kepler's first and second laws -- Mountains on the moon -- The Medician stars -- The luminosity of variable stars -- Galactic spectra -- Measuring astronomical distances -- A new theory of gravity -- Euclid, Gauss and Mercury's orbit -- A finite universe with no boundary -- The structure of the universe -- Measuring the potentially infinite -- The birth of the Big Bang -- The primeval atom
Text of Note
Volume 2. Space, time and motion: Scaling in art and nature -- The coherence of substances -- Archimedes' principle and falling bodies -- Falling bodies and pendular motion -- Pendular motion and harmony -- The law of the lever -- Beams, bones and giants -- Naturally accelerated motion -- The mean speed theorem -- Equilibrium, force and acceleration -- From conic sections to projectile motion -- The speed and force of a projectile -- Reason, authority and science -- Pascal's principle -- Submerged bodies -- Syringes, siphons and suckling infants -- Life under a sea of air -- Does nature abhor a vacuum? -- Mass, momentum and force -- Absolute and relative motion -- Newton's laws of motion -- Conservation of momentum -- The third law and the power of machines -- Centripetal force and acceleration -- Newton's rules of reasoning -- Planetary motion -- Universal gravitation -- Hypothesis and natural theology -- The principle of relativity -- The absolute speed of light -- Lorentz transformations -- Relativistic energy and Minkowski space
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Volume 3. Iron, loadstones and terrestrial magnetism -- The life and death of a magnet -- Conservation of electrical charge -- Muschenbroek's wonderful bottle -- Thunder and lightening -- Coulomb's law -- The dawn of electro-magnetism -- Electric currents, magnetic forces -- Work and weight -- Kinetic and potential energy -- Conservation of energy -- Geometric optics -- The wave theory of light -- Huygens' principle -- Reflection of light waves -- Opacity, transparency and Snell's law -- Atmospheric refraction -- The particle theory of light -- Passive laws and active principles -- Measuring light's wavelength -- Films, bubbles and rainbows -- Producing and detecting polarization -- Crystal symmetry and light rotation -- Light scattering -- Induction of electrical currents -- Arago's mysterious wheel -- Faraday's law -- The magnetic field -- Paramagnetism and Diamagnetism -- Action-at-a-distance -- Maxwell's equations -- Propagating electromagnetic fields -- Circuits, antennae and radiation -- The Michelson-Morley experiment
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Volume 4. A new science of heat -- Mathematics and temperature -- Steam engines and heat flow -- Carnot's cycle -- Engines as thermometers -- The second law of thermodynamics -- Work, heat, and irreversibility -- Language: concepts and conventions -- Energy and entropy -- The kinetic theory of gasses -- Molecules and Maxwell's demon -- The diffusion equation -- Radiant heat -- From positivism to objectivity -- Entropy, probability and atomism -- Corpuscles of light -- The discovery of the electron -- The birth of nuclear physics -- Radioactivity -- Atomic fission -- Nuclear structure -- The discovery of the neutron -- Neutron scattering -- X-ray diffraction -- Compton scattering -- Electron scattering and diffraction -- Matter waves -- Bohr's atomic model -- Atomic spectra and quantum numbers -- The periodic table of elements -- Wave mechanics -- The quantum paradox