Introduction and methodogy -- Inscriptions discussed and/or assigned -- Part I : General Studies of the Writing of the Fifth Century B.C. The first decrees and laws of ca. 515 to ca. 450 B.C. ; Unique examples of writing of ca. 450 to ca 400 ; The inscribers of the Lapis Primus and Lapis Secundus ; The inscribers of the so-called 'Attic Stelai' -- Part II : Attic Letter Cutters of ca 450 to ca. 390 -- Appendix one. Hands in the Fifth Century B.C. Attic inscriptions (reprint of Studies Dow 277-282) -- Appendix two. The Wrongful Execution of the Hellenotamiai (Antiphon 4.69-71) and The Lapis Primus (reprint of CP 109, 2017, 1-10) -- Appendix three. Down dating som Athenian decrees with three-bar sigma : a palaeogrpahic approach (reprint of ZPE 190, 2014, 105-115)