Includes bibliographical references, filmography and index
Text of Note
Introduction : cinema and landscape / Graeme Harper and Jonathan Rayner -- Landscape and the fantasy of moving pictures : early cinema's phantom rides / Tom Gunning -- 'One foot in the air?' Landscape in the Soviet and Russian road movie / Emma Widdis -- Landscape of the mind : the indifferent earth in Werner Herzog's films / Brad Prager -- Visions of Italy : the sublime, the postmodern and the apocalyptic / William Hope -- Landscape in Spanish cinema / Marvin D'Lugo -- Landscape and Irish cinema / Martin McLoone -- The ownership of woods and water : landscapes in British cinema 1930-1960 / Sue Harper -- Filming the (post-)colonial landscape : Claire Denis' Chocolat (1988) and Beau travail (1998) / Susan Hayward -- Landscaping the revolution : the political and social geography of Cuba reflected in its cinema / Bob Britton -- Landscapes of meaning in cinema : two Indian examples / Wimal Dissanayake -- The geography of cinema : Zimbabwe / Martin Mhando -- Crises, economy and landscape : the modern film face of new China / Kate Taylor -- Japanese cinema and landscape / Paul Spicer -- A version of beauty and terror : Australian cinematic landscapes / Graeme Harper -- Battlefields of vision : New Zealand filmscapes / Jonathan Rayner -- The landscapes of Canada's features : articulating nation and nature / Jim Leach -- Science fiction/fantasy films, fairy tales and control : landscape stereotypes on a wilderness to ultra-urban continuum / Christina Kennedy, Tiánna and Mélisa Kennedy
Text of Note
"While the consideration of landscape on film has been growing in currency over the past four to five years. as yet no single publication has attempted to embrace the multitude of nationalities, cinematic examples and critical approaches that Cinema and Landscape encompasses. Written by reputed cinema scholars and academic innovators, this volume both extends the existing field of film studies and stakes claims to overlapping, contested territories in the art and humanities and the social sciences. The notion of landscape is a complex one, but it has been central to the art and artistry of the cinema. After all, what is the French New Wave without Paris? What are the films of Sidney Lumet, Woody Allen, Martin Scorsese and Spike Lee, without New York? Cinema and Landscape frames up contemporary film landscapes across the world, in a concentrated examination and interrogation of screen aesthetics and national ideology, film form and cultural geography, cinematic representation and the human environment."--P. [4] of cover
Text of Note
"While the consideration of landscape on film has been growing in currency over the past four to five years. as yet no single publication has attempted to embrace the multitude of nationalities, cinematic examples and critical approaches that Cinema and Landscape encompasses. Written by reputed cinema scholars and academic innovators, this volume both extends the existing field of film studies and stakes claims to overlapping, contested territories in the art and humanities and the social sciences. The notion of landscape is a complex one, but it has been central to the art and artistry of the cinema. After all, what is the French New Wave without Paris? What are the films of Sidney Lumet, Woody Allen, Martin Scorsese and Spike Lee, without New York? Cinema and Landscape frames up contemporary film landscapes across the world, in a concentrated examination and interrogation of screen aesthetics and national ideology, film form and cultural geography, cinematic representation and the human environment."--P. [4] of cover