edited by Ryan Calo, Assistant Professor of Law, University of Washington School of Law, USA, A. Michael Froomkin, Laurie Silvers and Mitchell Rubenstein Distinguished Professor of Law, University of Miami School of Law, USA, Ian Kerr, Canada Research Chair in Ethics, Law and Technology, Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa, Canada
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
xxiii, 402 pages :
Other Physical Details
illustrations ;
24 cm
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index
Text of Note
How should the law think about robots? / Neil M. Richards and William D. Smart -- Allocating the risk of physical injury from zsophisticated robotsy : efficiency, fairness, and innovation / Patrick Hubbard -- The application of traditional tort theory to embodied machine intelligence / Curtis E.A. Karnow -- Lawyers and engineers should speak the same robot language / Bryant Walker Smith -- Delegation, relinquishment and responsibility : the prospect of expert robots / Jason Millar and Ian Kerr -- The open roboethics initiative and the elevator-riding robot / AJung Moon, Ergun Calisgan, Camilla Bassani, Fausto Ferreira, Fiorella Operto, Gianmarco Veruggio, Elizabeth A. Croft and H. F. Machiel Van der Loos -- The application of a "sufficiently and selectively open license" to limit liability and ethical concerns associated with open robotics / Diana Marina Cooper -- The roboticization of consent / Sinziana M. Gutiu -- Extending legal protection to social robots : the effects of anthropomorphism, empathy, and violent behavior towards robotic objects / Kate Darling -- Confronting automated law enforcement / Lisa A. Shay, Woodrow Hartzog, John Nelson, Dominic Larkin and Gregory Conti -- Do robots dream of electric laws? : an experiment in the law as algorithm / Lisa A. Shay, Woodrow Hartzog, John Nelson and Gregory Conti -- Examining the constitutionality of robot-enhanced interrogation / Kristen Thomasen -- Asleep at the switch? : how killer robots become a force multiplier of military necessity / Ian Kerr and Katie Szilagyi -- Jus nascendi, robotic weapons and the martens clause / Peter Asaro
Text of Note
Like the Internet before it, robotics is a socially and economically transformative technology. Robot Law explores how the increasing sophistication of robots and their widespread deployment into hospitals, public spaces, and battlefields requires rethinking of a wide variety of philosophical and public policy issues, including how this technology interacts with existing legal regimes, and thus may inspire changes in policy and in law. This volume collects the efforts of a diverse group of scholars who each, in their own way, has worked to overcome barriers in order to facilitate necessary and timely discussions of a technology in its infancy. Identifying controversial legal, ethical, and philosophical problems, the authors reveal how issues surrounding robotics and regulation are more complicated than engineers could have anticipated, and just how much definitional and applied work remains to be done. This groundbreaking examination of a brand-new reality will be of interest and of use to a variety of groups as the authors include engineers, ethicists, lawyers, roboticists, philosophers, and serving military