Diagnosis of mental disorders in light of modern genetics / Steven E. Hyman -- Integration of dimensional spectra for depression and anxiety into categorical diagnoses for general medical practice / David Goldberg ... [et al.] -- One way forward for psychiatric nomenclature : the example of the spectrum project approach / Ellen Frank, Paola Rucci, Giovanni B. Cassano -- Meta-affects of classifying mental disorders / Norman Sartorius -- A proposal for incorporating clinically relevant dimensions into DSM-V / John E. Helzer -- Empirically derived personality disorder prototypes : bridging dimensions and categories in DSM-5 / Robert F. Krueger ... [et al.] -- Options and dilemmas of dimensional measures for DSM-5 : which types of measures fare best in predicting course and outcome? / Hans-Ulrich Wittchen -- Clinical significant and disorder thresholds in DSM-5 : the role of disability and distress / William E. Narrow -- Assessing activity limitations and disability among adults / Michael Von Korff, Gavin Andrews, Madeleine Delves -- Measuring disability across physical, mental, and cognitive disorders / Martin Prince ... [et al.] -- Assessing mental disorders and service use across countries : The WHO world mental health survey initiative / Philip Wang ... [et al.] -- The intersection of race, ethnicity, immigration, and cultural influences on the nature and distribution of mental disorders : an examination of major depression / James S. Jackson ... [et al.] -- Gender and gender-related issues in DSM-5 / Kimberly A. Yonkers, Diana E. Clarke -- Increasing the developmental focus in DSM-5 : broad issues and specific potential applications in anxiety / Daniel S. Pine ... [et al.] -- Diagnostic issues relating to lifespan from adulthood into later life / Warachal Faison, Susan K. Schultz
Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders
Mental illness-- Diagnosis
Mental illness, Classification
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders