Includes bibliographical references (pages 197-201) and index
Text of Note
Getting started on managing your pain : understanding why you have it -- Mindfulness : what is it? Getting acquainted with your inner resources (1) -- Meditation 101 : getting acquainted with your inner resources (2) -- Mindfulness : checking in on your progress -- Meditation challenges -- Searching the brain for clues to pain : turning on that flashlight -- Reclaiming the parts that hurt : the body scan -- Reclaiming caring for yourself : your physical needs -- People stress -- Art : see the pain, feel the gain -- Visualizations and guided imagery -- Reclaiming your life : with pain or without
Text of Note
Pain specialist and mindfulness based stress reduction (MBSR) teacher Jackie Gardner-Nix offers techniques proven to reduce chronic pain and suffering, using mindfulness meditation exercises based on the pioneering work of Jon Kabat-Zinn