Beginning with §1 -- Starting With Augustine -- Three Things in Section 1 -- Names are Fundamenta -- The Wide Angle View -- From the Augustinian Conception to Language Games -- Ostensive Definition: The Shape of the Arugment -- Introduction -- Ostension and Ostensive Definition -- Two Issues: Metaphysical and Developmental -- Substantive and Commonplace Roles for Ostension -- Wittgenstein's Use of "Ostensive Definition" -- Wittgenstein on Learning -- Ostensive Definition -- Linguistic Regularity, Grammar and Autonomy -- Introduction -- Regularity and Grammar-Explanations and Travelogs -- Norms, Fitness, Going Up the Garden Path -- Wittgenstein's Idealism -- Platitudes-From Bold to Modest Realism -- Wittgenstein's Argument -- Demonstrative Throughts -- Closing "Oughts" -- Explanations -- Introduction -- Three Claims in §109 -- Philosophy can Offer No Explanations -- Insightfull Descriptions -- The Sense of Fit