Getting started with excel dashboards and reports. Getting in the dashboard state of mind ; Building a super model -- Building basic dashboard components. Dressing up your data tables ; Sparking inspiration with sparklines ; Formatting your way to visualizations ; The pivotal pivot table -- Building advanced dashboard components. Charts that show trending ; Grouping and bucketing data ; Displaying performance against a target -- Advanced reporting techniques. Macro-charged dashboarding ; Giving users an interactive interface ; Adding interactivity with pivot slicers -- Working with the outside world. Using external data for your dashboards and reports ; Sharing your workbook with the outside world -- The part of tens. Ten chart design principles ; Ten questions to ask before distributing your dashboard
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Create dynamic dashboards and put your data on display with For Excel Dashboards & Reports For Dummies, 2nd Edition is the business analysis tool you need to transform your raw data into a powerful and effective presentation that is accessible to everyone