Atlas of operative oral and maxillofacial surgery /
General Material Designation
First Statement of Responsibility
edited by Christopher J. Haggerty, Robert M. Laughlin
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
1 online resource
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index
Text of Note
Atlas of Operative Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; Contents; List of Contributors; Foreword; Acknowledgments; Part One Dentoalveolar and Implant Surgery; Chapter 1 Anatomical Considerations in Dentoalveolar Surgery; Mandible; Lingual Nerve; Inferior Alveolar Nerve; Mental Nerve; Maxilla; Nasal Cavity; Maxillary Sinus; Key Points; Case Reports; References; Chapter 2 Exposure and Bonding of an Impacted Tooth; Indications; Contraindications; Technique; Postoperative Management; Complications; Early Complications; Late Complications; Key Points; Case Reports; References
Text of Note
Chapter 3 Pre-Prosthetic SurgeryProcedure: Fibrous Tuberosity Reduction; Indications; Contraindications; Surgical Technique: Wedge Reduction; Postoperative Management; Complications; Case Report; Procedure: Torus Mandibularis Reduction; Indications; Contraindications; Anatomy; Surgical Technique; Key Points; Procedure: Torus Palatinus Reduction; Indications; Contraindications; Anatomy; Surgical Technique; Complications of Mandibular and Maxillary Tori Reductions; Key Points; Case Report; References; Chapter 4 Extraction Site (Socket) Preservation; Indications; Contraindications; Technique
Text of Note
Chapter 7 Immediate Implant-Supported Restoration of the Edentulous ArchIndications; Contraindications; Technique (Surgical); Technique (Restorative); Postoperative Management; Complications; Key Points; Case Report; References; Chapter 8 Zygomatic Implants; Indications; Contraindications; Anatomy; Implant Anatomy; Original Surgical Technique; Two-Zygomatic-Implant Placement; Modifications of the Original Protocol; Postoperative management; Complications; Intrasurgical Complications; Postoperative Complications; Key Points; Case Reports; References
Text of Note
Chapter 9 Cone Beam CT-Guided Dental Implant SurgeryIndications; Contraindications; Technique; Postoperative Management; Complications; Key Points; Case Reports; References; Part Two Odontogenic Head and Neck Infections; Chapter 10 Review of Spaces; General Principles of Surgical Infection Management; Vestibular Space; Boundaries; Key Points; Buccal Space (Buccinator Space); Boundaries; Key Points; Palatal Space; Boundaries; Key Points; Canine Space (Infraorbital Space); Boundaries; Key Points; Submental Space; Boundaries; Key Points
Text of Note
Postoperative ManagementComplications; Key Points; Case Report; References; Chapter 5 Onlay Bone Grafting; Indications; Contraindications; Intraoral Alveolar Ridge Augmentation Technique; Transcutaneous Mandibular Augmentation Technique; Postoperative Management; Complications; Key Points; Case Reports; References; Chapter 6 Sinus Lift Grafting; Indications; Contraindications; Anatomy; Technique: Lateral Wall Technique; Postoperative Management; Complications; Intraoperative and Early Complications; Late Complications; Key Points; Case Report; References
Text of Note
Atlas of Operative Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is an innovative, multidisciplinary, contemporary surgical atlas covering core aspects of oral and maxillofacial surgery, head and neck reconstructive surgery and facial cosmetic surgery. The text is constructed as a procedure-based surgical atlas with special emphasis placed on depicting surgical techniques with high-resolution color illustrations and images. Chapters are written by experts in their field and are designed to provide high-yield information pertaining to procedure indications, contraindications, pertinent anatomy, techniques, p
Atlas of operative oral and maxillofacial surgery.