Includes bibliographical references (pages 447-476) and index
Text of Note
The general will before Rousseau : the contributions of Arnauld, Pascal, Malebranche, Bayle and Bossuet / Patrick Riley -- Malebranche's shadow : divine providence and general will in the Leibniz-Arnauld correspondence / Steven Nadler -- Locke's ideas, Rousseau's principles, and the general will / James Farr -- Spinoza and the general will / David Lay Williams -- Freedom, sovereignty, and the general will in Montesquieu / Sharon R. Krause -- Rethinking Rousseau's tyranny of orators : Cicero's on duties and the beauty of true glory / Daniel J. Kapust -- An American general will? : 'the bonds of brotherly affection' in New England / Andrew R. Murphy -- The substantive elements of Rousseau's general will / David Lay Williams -- Justice, beneficence, and boundaries : Rousseau and the paradox of generality / Richard Boyd -- On the general will of humanity : global connections in Rousseau's political thought / Sankar Muthu -- General will in Rousseau and after Rousseau / Tracy B. Strong -- Kant on the general will / Patrick Riley -- The general will after Rousseau : Smith and Rousseau on sociability and inequality / Shannon C. Stimson -- Benjamin Constant's liberalism and the political theology of the general will / Bryan Garsten -- The general will after Rousseau : the case of Tocqueville / Michael Locke McLendon -- Rawls on Rousseau and the general will / Christopher Brooke