Preface -- Introduction to particle acceleration in the cosmos -- Shock Acceleration: Diffusive shock acceleration in astrophysics -- On bow shock source of cusp energetic ions -- Generation of diagmagnetic cavities at the bowshock by ion kinetic effects -- Diffusive compression acceleration -- Particle acceleration and transport at CME-driven shocks: a case study -- Cosmic ray acceleration at relativistic shock waves with a "realistic" magnetic field structure -- Kinetics of particles in relativistic collisionless shocks -- Studies of relativistic shock acceleration -- Energy spectra of energetic ions around quasi-parallel shocks -- Particle acceleration in shell supernova remnants: observational evidence -- Waves and Turbuence Acceleration: Overview: Particle acceleration by waves and turbulence -- The connection between parallel electric fields and ion acceleration in astrophysical plasmas - Simulation study of beam-plasma interaction and associated acceleration of background ions -- Particle acceleration and current disruption from the cross-field current instability -- Magnetic Energy Storage and Stochastic Acceleration: The role of electron acceleration in quick reconnection triggering -- The hall current system for magnetic reconnection in the magnetotail -- Plasma acceleration due to transition region reconnetion -- RHESSI observations of particle acceleration in solar flares -- Magnetohydrodynamic analysis of the January 20, 2001, CME-CME interaction effect -- The quadrupole as a source of cusp energetic particles: 1. General Considerations -- Adiabatic, Diffusive, and Double Layer Acceleration: Electron phasespace density analysis based on test-particle simulations of magnetospheric compression events -- Parameterization of ring current adiabatic energization -- Interrelation among double layers, parallel electric fields, and density depletions -- Acceleration and outflow of matter from celestial objects -- Studies of Exotic Acceleration Processes and Fundamental Physics: Exotic acceleration processes and fundamental physics -- Improving limits on Planck-Scale Lorentz Symmetry test theories -- Spectral evolution of two high-energy gamma-ray bursts
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This book presents an integrated review of basic theory and new developments in experimental and theoretical particle acceleration physics, from lowest to highest energies, in their distinct environments and as those environments relate