Includes bibliographical references (pages 271-287) and index
Text of Note
Hope in blasted landscapes / Eben Kirksey, Nick Shapiro, & Maria Brodine -- R.A.W. Assmilk soap / Karin Bolender -- Blasted landscapes (and the gentle art of mushroom picking) / Anna Tsing -- Interlude: microbiopolitics / Heather Paxson -- Recipe I: plumpinÌ3on / Lindsay Kelley -- Recipe II: Human cheese / Miriam Simun -- Recipe III. Multispecies becomings / Eben Kirksey -- Recipe IV, Bitter medicine is stronger / Linda Noel, Christine Hamilton, Anna Rodriguez, Angela James, Nathan Rich, David S. Edmunds, & Kim TallBear -- Life cycle of a common weed / Caitlin Berrigan -- Life in the age of biotechnology / Eben Kirksey, Brandon Costelloe-Kuehn, & Dorion Sagan -- Invertebrate visions : diffractions of the brittlestar / Karen Barad -- Speculative fabulations for technoculture's generations / Donna Haraway