Introduction: where to concentrate -- He was still the chief: Masayesva's imagining Indians -- Into the city: ordered freedom in The exiles -- The native presence in film: House made of dawn -- A concordance of narrative voices: Harold, trickster, and Harold of Orange -- I don't do portraits: Medicine River and the art of photography -- Keep your pony out of my garden: Powwow highway and "being Cheyenne" -- Feeling extra magical: the art of disappearing in Smoke signals -- Making his own music: death and life in The business of fancydancing -- Sharing the kitchen: Naturally native and women in American Indian film -- In the form of a spider: the interplay of narrative fiction and documentary in Skins -- The stories pour out: taking control in The doe boy -- Telling our own stories: seeking identity in Tkaronto -- People come around in circles: Harjo's Four sheets to the wind -- Epilogue: Barking water and beyond
Indians in motion pictures
Indians in the motion picture industry-- Canada
Indians in the motion picture industry-- United States