Inability to control eating: addiction to food or normal response to abnormal environment? / G. Ken Goodrick, PhD -- Food as a drug: conclusions / C. Keith Haddock, PhD; Walker S. Carlos Poston II, PhD
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Pharmacological properites of foods and nutrients / Jane V. White, PhD, RD; Rebecca S. Reeves, DrPH, RD -- The effects of food on mood and behavior: implications for the addictions model of obesity and eating disorders / C. Keith Haddock, PhD; Patricia L. Dill, MS -- Medicinal foods: cross-cultural perspectives / Chu-Huang Chen, MD, PhD; Devin C. Volding, MSW -- Legal and regulatory perspectives on dietary supplements and foods / Walker S. Carlos Poston II, PhD; Laurie Fan, MBA; Rich Rakowski, PharmD; Martin Ericsson, MD, PhD; Christopher C. Bunn, MS; John P. Foreyt, PhD -- Eating disorders and addiction / G. Terence Wilson, PhD -- Etiology and treatment of obesity in adults and children: implications for the addiction model / Risa J. Stein, PhD; Kristin Koetting O'Byrne, BA; Richard R. Suminski, PhD, MPH; C. Keith Haddock, PhD
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"Food as a Drug explores specific foods in order to determine potentially addictive qualities that may lead to obesity and eating disorders. Comprehensive and current, this reference provides information on relevant topics, such as diet and behavior relationships; cross-cultural perspectives on the use of foods for medicinal purposes; regulatory perspectives on drugs, foods, and nutritional supplements; and whether foods have pharmacological properties."--Jacket