Includes bibliographical references (p. [345]-391) and index.
Text of Note
1. Globalization and Restructuring of the Forest Industry -- 2. Northern Forestry in Changing Conditions -- 3. Restructuring the Northern Industry -- 4. The Profligate Century and Its Aftermath in British Columbia: A Case Study -- 5. Japan and the Creation of a Global Industry -- 6. Tropical Forests and Forests Dwellers -- 7. Industrial Forestry in the Southern Hemisphere -- 8. The Tropical Forestry Action Plan and Plantation Forestry -- 9. Thailand, the Land No One Should Use: A Case Study -- 10. Indonesia -- Peddlers, Princes, and Loggers: A Case Study -- 11. The Plantation Economy in Brazil: A Case Study -- 12. Chilean Temperate and Plantation Forests: A Case Study -- 13. Conclusion: Sustainable Forests and Communities.