ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS; Introduction; How to get the most out of this book; 01 What is stress?; Simple definition; Pressure and stress; Costs of stress; How do you cope with stress?; Are you in control?; Health locus of control; The biology of stress; Summary; 02 A working model of stress, coping and resilience; A model of stress, coping and resilience; Helpful versus unhelpful troublesome negative emotions; IMPORTANT: choice of interventions; Summary; 03 Changing your thinking; Changing your thinking: it isn't a modern concept!; As simple as ABC!; Thinking errors
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A comprehensive approachWhat can you do?; Summary; 09 Stress self-audit; 10 Developing your own action plan; 'Stress carriers'; Home-work interface; Action plan; Sample stress management action plan; Start now; Summary; Appendix; An example of a stress policy; Responsibilities; References and bibliography; Useful organizations
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Helpful challenging questions'Pros and cons'; Stress thought record; Dealing with your own anger; Overcoming the self-esteem trap; Accepting others but not their behaviour; Inference chaining; Summary; 04 Changing your imagery; Coping imagery; Self-motivation imagery; Staying-focused (or goal) imagery; Time-projection imagery; Relaxation imagery; Anti-craving imagery; Summary; 05 Changing your behaviour; What type are you, A or B?; Social support; Assertiveness training; Assertiveness rights; Assertiveness skills; The three-step model of assertion; Time management
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Top tips for the time managerDeveloping goals; Summary; 06 Improving your physical health to help you conquer stress; Alcohol; Caffeine; Exercise; Nutrition; Weight control; Smoking; Relaxation; Summary; 07 From Problems to Solutions; THE PRACTICE MODEL; Activity 36; THE PRACTICE SOLUTIONS FORM; Summary; 08 Dealing with work-related stress; Definition of stress; The financial and health impact of work-related stress; How do you cope with stress at work?; The unfit manager; The fit manager; Work-related stress risk assessment and interventions; Before you start a work-stress risk assessment
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Straightforward, easy to read and practical, How to Deal with Stress, 3rd edition will put you back in charge of your life. Written by two internationally-recognized experts in the field of stress management, Cooper and Palmer provide a thorough understanding of the psychological causes of stress and the resulting physical effects, enabling you to build your own personal plan, improve well-being and enhance your performance at work.Full of insight and examples from real people, a brand new chapter provides a practical worksheet to help you develop your problem solving skills and reduce stress.