pt. 1. Documents. Shostakovich, letters to his mother, 1923-1927 / selected by Dmitrii Frederiks and Rosa Sadykhova ; introduced, and with commentary, by Rosa Sadykhova ; translated by Rolanda Norton -- Response of Shostakovich to a questionnaire on the psychology of the creative process / prepared by Roman Ilich Gruber ; edited and annotated by staff researchers of the Glinka Museum of Musical Culture, Moscow ; translated, with additional notes, by Malcolm Hamrick Brown -- Stalin and Shostakovich : letters to a "friend" / Leonid Maximenkov -- "The phenomenon of the Seventh" : a documentary essay on Shostakovich's "War" symphony / Christopher H. Gibbs
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pt. 2. Essays. Shostakovich as industrial saboteur : observations on The bolt / Simon Morrison -- The nose and the Fourteenth symphony : an affinity of opposites / Levon Hakobian ; translated by Dimitri Shapovalov -- Shostakovich and The russian literary tradition / Caryl Emerson -- Fried chicken in the bird-cherry trees / Gerard McBurney -- Shostakovich and his pupils / David Fanning -- Shostakovich's "twelve-tone" compositions and the politics and practice of Soviet serialism / Peter J. Schmelz -- Listening to Shostakovich / Leon Botstein