Introduction -- Understanding, explanation and insight -- Platonic love -- Perceiving that we perceive: on the soul 3.2 -- Being properly affected: virtues and feelings in aristotle's ethics -- Necessity and explanation in aristotle's analytics -- Acting: drama as the mimesis of praxis -- What does the maker mind make -- Saving the phenomena -- Male and female in the generation of animals -- Aristotle on the desirability of friends -- Justice and virtue in the republic -- Self-knowledge and self-control in plato's charmides -- Beauty and the good: situating the kalon -- Translating ousia.
Text of Note
Virtues of Thought is an excursion through interconnecting philosophical topics in Plato and Aristotle, under the expert guidance of Aryeh Kosman. Exploring what these two foundational figures have to say about the nature of human awareness and understanding, Kosman concludes that ultimately the virtues of thought are to be found in the joys and satisfactions that come from thinking philosophically, whether we engage in it ourselves or witness others' participation.