Temperature thresholds for protein adaptation: when does temperature start to 'hurt'? / G.N. Somero and G.E. Hofmann -- Membrane constraints to physiological function at different temperatures: does cholesterol stabilize membranes at elevated temperatures? / J.C. Robertson and J.R. Hazel -- The effect of temperature on protein metabolism in fish: the possible consequences for wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks in Europe as a result of global warming / I.D. McCarthy and D.F. Houlihan -- Thermal stress and muscle function in fish / I.A. Johnston and D. Ball -- Factors which may limit swimming performance at different temperatures / E.W. Taylor, S. Egginton, S.E. Taylor and P.J. Butler -- Effects of temperature on cardiovascular performance / A.P. Farrell -- Temperature effects on the reproductive performance of fish / G. Van Der Kraak and N.W. Pankhurst -- The effects of temperature on embryonic and larval development / P.J. Rombough -- Temperature and growth: modulation of growth rate via temperature change / M. Jobling -- Effects of climate change on cod (Gadus morhua) stocks / K. Brander -- Temperature effects on osmoregulatory physiology of juvenile anadromous fish / S.D. McCormick, J.M. Shrimpton and J.D. Zydlewski -- Effects of temperature on xenobiotic metabolism / C.J. Kennedy and P.J. Walsh -- Interactive effects of temperature and pollutant stress / S.D. Reid, D.G. McDonald and C.M. Wood -- Behavioral compensation for long-term thermal change / L.I. Crawshaw and C.S. O'Connor -- Thermal niche of fishes and global warming / J.J. Magnuson and B.T. DeStasio.