The basic facts about nutrition. What's nutrition, anyway? ; Digestion: the 24/7 food factory ; Calories: the energizers ; Big, bigger, biggest: the growing American body ; How much nutrition do you need? ; A supplemental story -- What you get from food. Powerful protein ; Facing facts on fat and cholesterol ; Carbohydrates: a complex story ; Alcohol: another form of grape and grain ; Vigorous vitamins ; Mighty minerals ; Water works -- Healthy eating. Why you eat when you eat ; Why you like the foods you like ; Building a healthful diet ; Making wise food choices ; Eating smart when eating out -- Food processing. What is food processing? ; Cooking and nutrition ; What happens when food is frozen, canned, dried, or zapped ; Better eating through chemistry -- Food and medicine. When food gives you hives ; Brain food -- The part of tens. Ten or so nutrition web sites ; Ten or so superstar foods ; Ten terrific foods starting with the letter p ; Ten easy ways to cut calories.
Text of Note
Get the facts on good nutrition, slim down, and feel great. This guide shows you how to manage your diet so you get the most bang (nutrients) for your buck (calories) and gives you the know-how to put together a shopping list, prepare healthy foods, and easily cut calories.