What's it all about? -- Money -- Measuring money -- How things can go wrong -- 1 -- Good company -- Capital -- The year's business plan -- How not to go bust -- Cash flow -- What's a contract? -- Conditions of a contract -- How things can go wrong -- 2 -- Cost centers -- Pricing contracts -- Competitive tendering -- How things can go wrong -- 3 -- Other types of contracts -- Terms of payment -- How things can go wrong -- 4 -- Planning contract execution -- Procurement and monitoring -- Paying and getting paid -- Consultants -- Using your judgement -- Health and safety aspects of design -- Green engineering and greenbacks -- Research and development -- The love of money -- Last words -- Appendix 1: Financial accounts -- Appendix 2: Critical path analysis -- Appendix 3: Project evaluation techniques
Text of Note
Uniting the basic concepts of engineering design, project evaluation techniques, and accounting methods, Engineering Money delivers an approachable view of finance that gives engineers at all levels the resourcefulness to account for every dollar--and make every cent count. --Book Jacket
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When starting out on their careers, most engineers are unaware that successful engineering projects depend as much on money as they do on technology and that the two are inextricably linked. They eventually learn on the job that money is the only common measure we have for labor, materials, and energy, and it is therefore essential to managing any project. Traditional engineering education generally ignores financial matters. This book fills the gap by preparing young engineers on the role finance plays in their projects before they embark on their careers