I want to know why / S. Anderson -- Rape fantasies / M. Atwood -- Sonny's blues / J. Baldwin -- A passion in the desert / H. Balzac -- Leaving the yellow house / S. Bellow -- An occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge / A. Bierce -- Pierre Menard, author of the Quixote / J. L. Borges -- The veldt / R. Bradbury -- Now that April's here / M. Callaghan -- Where I'm calling from / R. Carver -- The father / R. V. Cassill -- Paul's case / W. Cather -- The enormous radio ; The fourth alarm / J. Cheever -- The lady with the pet dog ; A visit to friends ; The darling / A. Chekhov -- Desiree's baby / K. Chopin -- The star / A. C. Clarke -- The notorious jumping frog of Calaveras County -- The corset / E. S. Connell -- Heart of Darkness / J. Conrad -- The babysitter / R. Coover -- The open boat ; The blue hotel / S. Crane -- Sorrow-Acre / I. Dinesen -- A scandal in Bohemia / A. C. Doyle -- King of the bingo game / R. Ellison -- A rose for Emily ; Barn Burning ; The bear / W. Faulkner -- Babylon revisited / F. Scott Fitzgerald -- The legend of Saint Julian the Hospitaller / G. Flaubert -- The road from Colonus / E. M. Forster -- The revolt of mother / M. E. W. Freeman -- Merry Christmas God / L. French -- My heart is broken / M. Gallant -- The handsomest drowned man in the world / G. G. Marquez -- Young Goodman Brown ; The birthmark / N. Hawthorne -- Hills like white elephants / E. Hemmingway -- In the cemetery where Al Jolson is buried / A. Hempel -- Sea Treader / W. Hoffman -- The lottery / S. Jackson -- The tree of knowledge ; The jolly corner / H. James -- Araby ; A little cloud ; The dead / J. Joyce -- The metamorphosis ; A hunger artist / F. Kafka -- Haircut / R. Lardner -- The loons / M. Laurence -- Tickets, please ; The horse dealer's daughter ; The rocking-horse winner / D. H. Lawrence -- The ones who walk away from Omelas / U. K. Le Guin -- To room nineteen / D. Lessing -- The liar's craft / S. McAulay -- Gold coast / J. A. McPherson -- The jewbird / B. Malamud -- Disorder and early sorrow / T. Mann -- Bliss ; The garden-party / K. Mansfield -- Shiloh / B. A. Mason
Text of Note
The outstation / W. S. Maugham -- The necklace / G. de Maupassant -- Bartleby the Scrivener / H. Melville -- Patriotism / Y. Mishima -- Royal beatings ; Prue / A. Munro -- Signs and symbols / V. Nabokov -- How I contemplated the world from the Detroit House of Correction and began my life over again / J. C. Oates -- A good man is hard to find ; Everything that rises must converge ; Parker's back / F. O'Connor -- Guests of the Nation ; My Oedipus complex / F. O'Connor -- Tell me a riddle / T. Olsen -- The used-boy raisers / G. Paley -- Emotion recollected in tranquillity / J. Penner -- Souvenir / J. A. Phillips -- The fall of the House of Usher ; The purloined letter / E. A. Poe -- Theft ; Flowering Judas / K. A. Porter -- The valiant woman / J. F. Powers -- Coach / M. Robison -- The converison of the Jews / P. Roth -- The open window / Saki -- The girls in their summer dresses / Irwin Shaw -- Love and other lessons / J. B. Shaw -- The Spinoza of Market Street / I. B. Singer -- In the zoo / J. Stafford -- The chrysanthemums / J. Steinbeck -- Miss Leonora when last seen / P. Taylor -- The secret life of Walter Mitty / J. Thurber -- The death of Ivan Ilych / L. Tolstoy -- A & P / J. Updike -- Everyday use / A. Walker -- Powerhouse ; A worn path / E. Welty -- The muse's tragedy / E. Wharton -- The use of force / W. C. Williams -- Wasps / Robley Wilson Jr. -- In the garden of the North American martyrs / T. Wolff -- Kew gardens / V. Woolf -- The man who was almost a man / R. Wright