Contents note continued: Independence and self-regulation in play -- J -- Jargon of play -- ̀Junk' (found/recycled materials) and play -- K -- Key Persons and play -- Kinaesthetic play -- L -- Language and communication play -- Listening to children at play -- Ludic play -- M -- Mastery play -- Messy play -- Moral development and play -- Motivation and play -- N -- Narrative play and story -- Natural world and play -- Negotiation skills and play -- O -- Object play -- Outdoor play -- Ownership -- P -- Parents and play -- Photography and play -- Physical play -- Planning for play/playfulness -- Q -- Quality play -- Questioning -- Quiet play -- R -- Recapitulative play -- Reflecting on play -- Risk/risky play -- Role-play/pretend play/fantasy play -- Rough and tumble -- S -- Schemas and play -- Social development and play -- Socio-dramatic play -- Superhero play -- Symbolic play -- T -- Technology and play -- Therapeutic (cathartic) play -- Transformational play -- Types of play.
Text of Note
Contents note continued: U -- United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child -- right to play -- Universality of play -- V -- Values in play and playfulness -- Voice -- children's voices in play -- W -- Wii play -- Work/play dimensions -- XYZ -- Xbox -- Young children -- Youth play -- Zero-in on play -- Zigler.
Text of Note
The key themes in play are explored through an A -- Z approach covering key concepts, theories / theorists, and figures. Rather than conventional chapters, there are brief sections outlining the main areas under any particular letter of the alphabet (the length dependent on the potential content for that letter). Topics range from baby play to holistic learning to kinaesthesia and therapy. This is a fun book which would be very useful on courses attempting to introduce students to all aspects of young children's play. A further feature of the book is that some well known early years people (e.g. Profs Tricia David, Carol Aubrey, Angela Anning, Lilian Katz etc) have agreed to write a very few original thoughts identifying their own passion and interest for a particular aspect of play or a particular influence in their lives.
Early childhood education, Handbooks, manuals, etc.