Includes bibliographical references (p. 243-301) and index
Text of Note
Inside George W. Bush's mind : hints at what IQ tests miss -- Dysrationalia : separating rationality and intelligence -- The reflective mind, the algorithmic mind, and the autonomous mind -- Cutting intelligence down to size -- Why intelligent people doing foolish things is no surprise -- The cognitive miser : ways to avoid thinking -- Framing and the cognitive miser -- Myside processing : heads I win, tails I win too! -- A different pitfall of the cognitive miser : thinking a lot, but losing -- Mindware gaps -- Contaminated mindware -- How many ways can thinking go wrong? A taxonomy of irrational thinking tendencies and their relation to intelligence -- The social benefits of increasing human rationality, and meliorating irrationality
Text of Note
Stanovich shows that IQ tests (or their proxies, such as the SAT) are radically incomplete as measures of cognitive functioning. They fail to assess traits that most people associate with "good thinking," skills such as judgment and decision making. Such cognitive skills are crucial to real-world behavior, affecting the way we plan, evaluate critical evidence, judge risks and probabilities, and make effective decisions. IQ tests fail to assess these skills of rational thought, even though they are measurable cognitive processes. Rational thought is just as important as intelligence, Stanovich argues, and it should be valued as highly as the abilities currently measured on intelligence tests. --from publisher description