An Iraqi Muslim's lament -- Kishtainy writes back -- Kishtainy comes to Jerusalem -- Rabbi Petuchowski's predicament -- The American Council for Judaism -- Trude Weiss-Rosmarin and I -- Erosion -- All doors tightly shut -- To a friend who chose to adapt -- Oft-celebrated victory -- Soul mates -- U.S. Jewry's Israel tangle -- Western vanities -- Postscript: George Steiner raises a point -- The Zionism-Judaism mix-up -- Letters to Irene Gendzier -- Nationality or pan-movement? -- Encounters: a Palestinian intellectual tells his story -- Israel versus the United States -- Tremors -- Elie Kedourie as a "Zionist historian" -- Further letters to Irene Gendzier -- Irving Howe and dissent -- Golda Meir redefines Judaism -- Moot points -- Reviews: fury misdirected -- Bible and nationality, boomerang, some uses of history, divergent problems, orthodox dissent -- A glimpse of the land of the Teutons -- Reviews: futile pursuit, news from nowhere, lost and found, Nazi delusions, perils of retrojection -- Review: the Jews of Palestine -- Letters to Esther Cohen -- Rewrites -- Reviews: little new to impart, Edward Said's reservations, misinformation, disinformation, and ignorance -- Vindications -- Review: Israel and Ishmael -- Who is a Jew? -- Responses and a rejoinder -- From Gemara to Shulhan 'Arukh -- Sacred cows no more -- "Mixing the exiles"