Includes bibliographical references (pages xix-xxiii) and index
Text of Note
Husserl's phenomenological method / Klaus Held -- Husserl's phenomenology of the life-world / Klaus Held -- The structure of intentionality / John J. Drummond -- Husserl's type and Kant's schemata: systematic reasons for their correlation or identity / Dieter Lohmar -- Developments in the theory of time-consciousness: an analysis of protention / Lanei Rodemeyer -- Inner time-consciousness and pre-reflective self-awareness / Dan Zahavi -- Transcendental and empirical subjectivity: the self in the transcendental tradition / David Carr -- Unconscious consciousness in Husserl and Freud / Rudolf Bernet -- World as horizon / Donn Welton -- Husserl's intersubjective transformation of transcendental philosophy / Dan Zahavi -- The systematicity of Husserl's transcendental philosophy: from static to genetic method / Donn Welton -- Generativity and the scope of generative phenomenology / Anthony J. Steinbock
Text of Note
The essays in this volume provide an alternative approach to Husserl by examining his work and his method as a whole and by probing issues, old and new, that occupied him during this exceptionally productive period