The form and function of Koan literature: a historical overview / T. Griffith Foulk -- The antecedents of encounter dialogue in Chinese Chʻan Buddhism / John R. McRae -- Mahākāsyapa's smile: silent transmission and the Kung-an (Kōan) tradition / Albert Welter -- Kung-an Chʻan and the Tsung-men tʻung-yao chi / Ishii Shūdō -- Visions, divisions, revisions: the encounter between iconoclasm and supernaturalism in Kōan cases about Mount Wu-tʻai / Steven Heine -- "Before the empty eon" versus "A dog has no Buddha-nature": Kung-an use in the Tsʻao-tung tradition and Ta-hui's Kung-an introspection Chʻan / Morten Schlütter -- Kōan history: transformative language in Chinese Buddhist thought / Dale S. Wright -- Ikkyū and Kōans / Alexander Kabanoff -- Transmission of Kirigami (secret initiation documents): a Sōtō practice in medieval Japan / Ishikawa Rikizan -- Emerging from nonduality: Kōan practice in the Rinzai tradition since Hakuin / Michel Mohr -- Kōan and Kenshō in the Rinzai Zen curriculum / G. Victor Sōgen Hori