It's not China bashing if it's true -- Death by Chinese poison : bodies for bucks and chicks for free -- Death by Chinese junk : strangling our babies in their cribs -- Death to America's manufacturing base : why we don't play (or work) in Peoria anymore -- Death by currency manipulation : crouching tiger, nuking dragon -- Death by American corporate turncoat : when greenbacks trump the red, white, and blue -- Death by colonial dragon : locking down resources and locking up markets round the world -- Death by blue water navy : why China's military rise should raise red flags -- Death by Chinese spy : how Beijing's "vacuum cleaners" are stealing the rope to hang Uncle Sam -- Death by red hacker : from Chengdu's "dark visitors" to Manchurian chips -- Death by Darth Liu : look ma, there's a Death Star pointing at Chicago -- Death to a big planet : do you want to be fried with that apocalypse? -- Death by Chinese pogrom : when Mao met Orwell and Deng Xiaping in Tiananmen Square -- Death by China on China : shanghaiing the gene pool at the top of the world and other earthly tales -- Death by China apologist : Fareed Zakaria floats away -- Life with China : how to survive and prosper in the dragon's century