Integrating activities of laminins that drive basement membrane assembly and function / Peter D. Yurchenco -- Laminin-a2 chain-deficient congenital muscular dystrophy: pathophysiology and development of treatment / Madeleine Durbeej -- Type IV collagens and basement membrane diseases: cell biology and pathogenic mechanisms / Mao Mao, Maracel V. Alavi, Cassandre Labelle-Dumais, Douglas B. Gould -- Epidermal basement membrane in health and disease / Cristina Has, Alexander Nyström -- Applying proteomics to investigate extracellular matrix in health and disease / Michael Randles, Rachel Lennon -- Molecular basis of laminin-integrin interactions / Masachi Yamada, Kiyotoshi Sekiguchi -- Cell receptor-basement membrane interactions in health and disease: a kidney-centric view / Corina M. Borza, Xiwu Chen, Roy Zent, Ambra Pozzi -- The basement membrane proteoglycans perlecan and agrin: something old, something new / Kevin J. McCarthy -- Building from the ground up: basement membranes in Drosophila development / Adam J. Isabella, Sally Horne-Badovinac -- Basement membranes in the worm: a dynamic scaffolding that instructs cellular behaviors and shapes tissues / Matthew R. Clay, David R. Sherwood